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Frequently Asked Questions

  1. Is SEOPressor compatible with other SEO Plugins?

    SEOPressor Connect is developed following WordPress Developers Core and hence, it will work well with every plugin that is coded following the same core. SEOPressor is now powering more than 23,000,000+ WordPress pages and we have seen it working with all kinds of plugin combinations. If you found any plugin that isn’t working well with SEOPressor, please let us know at our support center so we can look into it with an aim to have the widest compatibility. Alternatively, you can also check with your plugin developer to be compatible with SEOPressor Connect.

  2. How do I upgrade SEOPressor when a new version is available?

    Upgrading is easy like having a cupcake. Well, sort of. First, locate SEOPressor tab in your Dashboard menu. Then click on SEOPressor > Plugin Settings > Plugin Update tab. Here, it will tell you if an upgrade is needed and also shows you whether you’ll be able to do a one-click update or manual update.

  3. I can’t seem to activate my SEOPressor plugin.

    If you have a problem activating your plugin, you’re probably using an old version of SEOPressor. Kindly download a fresh copy of the latest version.

  4. Does SEOPressor work with the free blogs at WordPress.com?

    Nope. SEOPressor does not work with WordPress.com free blogs as they do not support plugins. To use WordPress plugin, you will need to have a self-hosted WordPress site on your own domain name. If you’re unsure, kindly send us a ticket with your website URL and we will let you know.

  5. Where can I find my ClickBank Receipt Number?

    Once you have completed the purchase, you should receive an email from ClickBank with a receipt containing your purchase details. You will find a number that is usually 8 characters (for eg. NXEC899C), which is your ClickBank receipt number. This number is also used as a license to download your SEOPressor plugin.

  6. I purchased the older version of SEOPressor, is there a way I can upgrade to SEOPressor Connect?

    Yes, you can upgrade your older version of SEOPressor to SEOPressor Connect. Please contact us for an upgrade link. Many of our users have upgraded to the SEOPressor Connect because SEOPressor Connect pays for itself.

  7. I am upgrading SEOPressor by deleting and reinstalling SEOPressor, will I lose my settings?

    No, your existing settings are all saved and will not be erased when you delete your existing SEOPressor plugin while upgrading.

  8. Where can I download the future updates of SEOPressor?

    We release updates quite frequently as and when Google changes direction. You can always update SEOPressor from your WordPress Dashboard > Plugins with just one click. It’s that easy.

  9. Is there any affiliate program for SEOPressor?

    Yes, we do have an affiliate program via Clickbank. Affiliates are earning some awesome income by just recommending SEOPressor to their friends and on their websites.

  10. Man, I love SEOPressor! How can I send you a testimonial?

    That’s a great news! Kindly send us your testimonial. We can also feature you on our Real Stories. Include your name, a photo or portrait if you wish, and most importantly, where you are from and perhaps, a link to your website! We all love SEOPressor!

  11. Where can I use SEOPressor?

    A self-hosted WordPress website running WordPress 3.2 and above is all it’s required for SEOPressor to work. SEOPressor does not work with WordPress.com free blogs.

  12. Can I use it on multiple domains/websites?

    Yes, SEOPressor Connect supports multiple domains. You can use them on multiple domains with just one license.

  13. What are the payment options?

    We accept both credit card and PayPal fund.

  14. Will I receive future updates?

    Yes, SEOPressor Connect subscribers will receive free lifetime full updates, including all features in the future.

  15. What can I expect from the support?

    You will receive the same awesome support no matter which plans you are on. Support queries will usually be answered within 24 – 48 hours.

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