Early Bird Special Introducing LinkVector, your #1 tool for precise internal linking! Save up to $63.75 for limited time.


Introducing The 5 Pillars Of SEOPressor

  • SEOPressor On-page Analysis

    On-Page Analysis

  • SEOPressor SEO Intel

    SEO Intelligence

  • SEOPressor Semantic Builder

    Semantic Builder

  • SEOPressor Crawler Controller

    Crawler Control

  • SEOPressor Link Manager

    Link Management

Improved On-Page SEO Analysis

Rank Better With Advanced Google-Emulating Algorithm

Formulated based on big data analysis – 3 billion rows of data to be exact and thousands of ranking pages. This is the most advanced and comprehensive analysis we’ve ever made.

SEOPressor gives you instant feedback and optimization suggestions to improve your On-Page SEO signals. It also keeps you on the safe side by preventing unnatural & over-optimization.

Accessible SEO Intelligence

Actionable SEO Insights For Better Sitewide SEO

SEOPressor gathers the most essential SEO intels of your website and presents them all in one place. Skip the need to go through ten different analytics just to see what’s wrong.

With SEOPressor, you will receive alerts precisely on what’s hurting your website so you can fix them instantly. No more guesswork!

  • 5 years of proven results

  • Formulated based on 3 billion rows of data

  • Inspired by Google Material Design

  • Powering more than 23,329,358+ Pages

Comprehensive Semantic Builder

Codeless Solution For Essential Markup Standards

Semantic web (or the Internet of Things) is the future of the Internet. SEOPressor incorporated semantic analytic and all the most important markup standards in our plugin to make sure you are ready for it.

With SEOPressor, you can now improve the search relevency easily without having to mess with a single line of code. Take full control of how the Internet understands your website today.

Dynamic Crawler Control

Customize Crawler Pathing For Definitive Indexing

No matter how good your website is, if it’s not discovered by search engines, it doesn’t worth a penny. That’s why we take crawler control very seriously.

With SEOPressor, you will gain complete governance over how search engine crawlers navigate your website. Steer them the way you like for better indexation control.

Smart Link Manager

Monitor And Design Your Optimum Link Profile

Having an optimized link profile is vital in providing your users a pleasant browsing experience.

SEOPressor allows you to effortlessly fix, build, and manage the perfect internal link structure to increase your reader’s retention and reduce bounce rate.

Newly Improved Features For Your Evolving SEO Needs

At SEOPressor, we understand that SEO is an ever-changing landscape, so does your SEO needs. That’s why we came up with an entirely new set of improved features to immediately get you started with what’s currently working:

  • Multiple Keywords Analysis

    SEOPressor optimize your content for not just one, not just two, but three keywords!

  • XML Sitemap Generator

    Added by popular demand. Skip that additional plugin and take full SEO control with just SEOPressor.

  • SEOPressor Over-Optimization Check

    SEOPressor make sure you don’t over-optimize your content. Say goodbye to Google Penalty!

  • Canonical Link

    SEOPressor now comes with the flexibility to setup canonical link. Hello, healthy internal link profile.

  • Progressive LSI Keywords Engine

    Enhanced Progressive LSI Keywords Engine powered by LSIGraph. Untap the power of semantic keywords today.

  • 301 URL Redirect

    Snap! A broken page? Just redirect the traffic with our newly added URL redirect feature.

  • SemantiQ Density

    A built-in Semantic Analytic, designed to tell if your content is semantically related to your keywords.

  • On-Page Robot Rules

    Need to no-index an internal page? You can now do that easily with SEOPressor Robot Rules feature.

  • Schema and Dublin Core

    We now support both Dublin Core and Schema markup. Improve your webpage’s structured data starting today.

  • SEOPressor Site Audit

    On-page SEO is not complete without a healthy domain, make sure that is also in checked with our Site Audit.

  • SEOPressor Local SEO

    You can now setup local SEO for your local business and maximize your exposure for local searches.

  • SEO Trends

    SEO Trends helps you to keep track and informs you if your website is progressively improving.

  • Google Knowledge Graph

    SEOPressor gets you ready for Google Knowledge Graph. Getting into Knowledge Graph is now possible!

  • SEOPressor Score Manager

    Have hundreds of posts? Make sure they are all optimized with SEOPressor Score Manager.

  • Homepage Settings

    Homepage is arguably the most important page of a website. You can now optimize it the way your posts do!

  • SEOPressor Smart Link Manager

    SEOPressor Link Manager ensures you a perfectly healthy sitewide link profile, no more broken links!

  • On-Page META Settings

    Our improved settings now comes with monitoring function to guide you on writing the best meta tags.

  • Sitewide Link Policy

    Take full control of your outbound link’s behavior. Minimize that link juice leakage!

  • Facebook Open Graph

    Our newly enhanced Social SEO now gives more Open Graph customizability. Share it the way you like it!

  • Automatic Smart Linking

    Effortlessly link keywords in all of your articles through one setting page. Now, that’s smart!

  • Twitter Card

    Together with Facebook Open Graph, we’ve also expanded Twitter Card to support more customizability.

  • SEOPressor Role Settings

    SEOPressor Role Settings enables you to grant, limit, or revoke a specific user’s access to SEOPressor.

Loving What You See? Get Started Today.

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