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Google Now Has Limits On Indexable File Size | June 2022 week 4

By on June 24, 2022

Hello fellow readers, welcome to another week of SEO News. Let’s see what news we have for this week, shall we? 

  • Changing your website logo would not hurt your SEO 
  • Hyphens better than underscore for website URL 
  • Google now has limits on indexable file size 

20/6 – Changing your website logo would not hurt your SEO 

Google’s John Mueller was recently asked whether changing a website’s logo would hurt the SEO of that website. 

His response to that question was that changing a website logo should not hurt a website’s SEO. Additionally, changing a website’s logo has always been done even by Google in response to birthdays or the holiday seasons. 

22/6 – Hyphens better than underscores for website URL 

In response to a question asked in a podcast, Gary Illyes from Google said that hyphens would be better for a website’s URL than underscores.

He said that Google when trying to understand your website would find it easier to segment your URL. This is because a lot of things on the internet are written with underscores in them and thus it would make Google’s job easier if you were to separate your URLs with hyphens instead of underscores.

23/6 – Google now has limits on indexable file size 

Google has updated its help document to crawl only the first 15MB of content in an HTML file or supported text-based file. And after the first 15MB of the file, Googlebot will then stop crawling and considers only the first 15MB of content for indexing. 

However, SEO experts say that if your page is larger than 15MB, then you have other problems to worry about as it would take quite a long time for your user to load your page. 

The End!

That is all for this week’s SEO News folks. What do you think about this week’s news? Do you construct your website URLs with underscores or hyphens? Do let me know below in the comments. 

Updated: 11 March 2025


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