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Rich Result Type Retirement From Google Search Console Performance | May 2021 W4

By winwei on May 28, 2021

You might not hear it, but I am letting out a happy squeak because it’s Friday again!

Let’s wrap it up with a few SEO update of the week:

  • Rich Result Type Retirement From Google Search Console Performance
  • Google Suggests Spam Prevention Intervention

26/5/2021 – Rich Result Type Retirement From Google Search Console Performance

As we move forward towards a better future, sometimes we have to let go of our past, and that’s exactly what is happening to the rich result filter in the Google Search Console report.

click for full size

Google has announced the “retirement’ of generic rich result filter from their performance report. Soon, you will not see how well rich results are performing on your site, generally. 

It isn’t bad news because you will have to take a deeper dive into the performance of each specific type of rich result your site supports.

At present, there are 19 specific types, including FAQ rich results, Event, Job details, Product results, AMP-versions results, and more.

So, instead of looking at a general report, you now can filter out a specific type and check out their respective performance report.

This generic performance report will fade out starting from 1st August 2021, and no, it will not affect your traffic – it is just an update in reporting.

26/5/2021 – Google Suggests Spam Prevention Intervention 

We know how important it is to stay connected with our customers as it bears great benefits for businesses.

There are many channels available to keep in touch with users, such as chatbox, email, forum, social media platforms, or free hosting services. 

Although it does bring users and website owners closer, the presence of these channels allows spammers to post pointless and harmful contents that bring little to no value to websites. 

Here are some of the suggestions provided by Google:

  • Use verification tools like Google’s free tool CAPTCHAs to prevent automated scripts from entering your sites.
  • Consider enabling moderation features to prevent anonymous posting, set up an approval station before new posts or comments can be view by the public, etc.
  • Register and verify website ownership in Google Search Console to read up reports detected by Google. 
  • Identify and terminate spam accounts.

Free some time to read up the suggestion by Google – you may find the solution you need to stop the itch that has been bugging you after all.

Well, that’s about it, folks. We’ll meet again next Friday!

Updated: 8 March 2025

Win Wei

About Win Wei

When life is bitter, drink black coffee indoor and grab yourself some self-help books while listening to cafe lofi. Win Wei is just another being that enjoys life and the wonders of digital marketing. Oh, I do love myself some swimming, too.

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