Steph W. from SEOPressor

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SEOPressor’s Engineering Excellence – Our Growth From Version 1 to Version 5.

By gymosphere on January 24, 2013

SEOPressor – Your Mandatory WordPress Plugin for SEO has been sending pages to the top of Google searches since 2010.

Our secret?

It’s not our engineering, our marketing, nor our finances.

It’s our people – the brains behind the engineering, marketing and finances of SEOPressor.

As you probably already know, countless companies have been copying SEOPressor and many have failed while we still run strong and steady. We have been this business for 3 solid years running, backed by a diverse team of 9 from marketing, support, programming to finances.

Our secret is no secret.

Since 2010, we’ve more than 128,000 websites managed with SEOPressor, 15 million+ pages powered by it, 93% of our customers experiencing an increase in traffic.

That’s our strong and talented team at work – and at play.

We enjoy what we do, and that’s providing people with solutions and creating a large community of happy users.

SEOPressor Version 5 – Re-engineered, Better than Ever

Here at SEOPressor, we strive to be the best in delivering professionalism as well as impeccable quality for our product.

To date we have built upon and established:
– 2,000+ sites for R&D to collect data to determine Google’s direction
– 9-man strong team on SEOPressor’s development and support
– more controlled handling on other projects that we can call any talent and expertise to the table
– profiling tests to ensure efficiency on servers, CPU and memory particularly
– compatibility commitment that we work towards being compatible with most popular plugins
– support desks that’s handled by our very own expert engineers
– “user experience focused development” from every aspect of SEOPressor, UI, customer service, technology, SEO, and even drafting a tutorial.

This is why SEOPressor have grown from Version 1 to Version 5.

This is why, we have seen many on-page SEO plugins rise and die. They fail to maintain their codes and many cannot keep up with the speed Google is changing.

SEOPressor is different. We are constantly updating.

Every time WordPress release a minor build, we test and make sure we are compatible.

Every time a user comes to us asking for compatibility with certain themes or plugins, we make SEOPressor compatible.

SEOPressor now works on almost all hosting providers, even the ones with the lowest specs.

SEOPressor also works with almost all plugins, as we are very aggressive in making sure we are compatible and work along well with all other plugins. This is our commitment to providing that seamless and extraordinary user experience. That’s how we are different, how we charge so much higher than the competition and still be in business. In the end of the day, people who have bought other brands end up returning to SEOPressor, and becoming our loyal fan.

Here are some other reasons why we’re your WordPress plugin for SEO:

Unprecedented Engineering

We maintain a network of right now, 2,000+ sites, to collect data about ranking. This data is used by our R&D engineers to find out what works and how Google is moving. This ensures best result for our customers, while we always stay on top with our technology.

Profiled Coding

By “profiling”, we run tests and benchmarks against our codes to ensure we use the least server resources we can, measured by the milliseconds. This allows users to save up on server resources and memory, as some servers may have certain limit on different hosting packages. We also tested codes from other plugins and found theirs to be wasting and clogging up a lot of unnecessary server resources. It’s expected because we’re different – they are normal coders while we are real engineers.

Proven Results

There are a host of different things we do in the backend to give the best to our users, which our users may not have known. We are doing all these because we eat our own dog food. We use SEOPressor too. It’s easy to do the first 20% to get the 80% results (Parreto Principle), and we go beyond this by working on the rest of the 80% to perfect the tough 20%. This is how we separate ourselves from the competition.

We Work and Play Hard

We have a full blown SDLC (software development life cycle) and VCS (version control system) implemented for SEOPressor development. You can definitely tell we mean business as a serious company. Reaping what we sow, we’ve also been selected as one of the Top 10 Premium Plugins of 2012 by SitePoint.com.

Needless to say that we are incredibly proud of what we do, and you should too for being an incredible part of our process as well as product.

SEOPressor wouldn’t be where it is today without all of you, and if it is your first time seeing this – we can assure you that you’ll never regret having SEOPressor.

In fact, it’ll become part of your everyday on-page SEO process.

It’ll be – your mandatory WordPress plugin for SEO.

Updated: 29 January 2025

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