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How To Increase Blog Traffic Without Spending A Single Dime

By allysa on August 19, 2015

Blogging is hard work. There are no two ways about it. It takes a lot of time to write new content that is consistently of high quality for your readers. However, keeping your blog updated with fresh content is necessary if you want your online marketing strategy to success.

How to increase blog traffic


You need content to not only connect with your target audience, you need it to increase blog traffic. In fact, many SEO gurus out there can’t emphasize enough that the only way to build traffic to your website is by continuing to put out good content. They’re not wrong – not exactly. But they’re not 100 percent right either.

Yes, you do need to write high-quality content and you do need to keep your blog updated on a regular basis. However, you need to split your time between blogging and promoting the content that you’ve written on your blog.

You may have a blog full of excellent content, and you may be releasing two or three new blog posts every week – but it did not increase your web traffic at all. This is because nobody knows your blog exists. Promoting your content and writing good content are of equal importance – you can’t have one without the other.

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Blog Traffic does not come in automatically

There’s absolutely no point in spending all that time writing your blog if no one is reading it. And it’s not doing your website any good if you don’t have any readers.

Promoting your content will not only help you to bring in more traffic, which in turn will help you generate more leads, but it will allow you to provide more exposure for your brand. As Tob Salmon said, “It is important to plan how to promote your content in this video.”

This exposure may even lead to your blog obtaining a reputation as an authority within your niche, which can have all kinds of positive effects on your online marketing efforts.

Promoting your content throughout the web also provides additional proof to Google that your blog does exist and that it is updated on a regular basis, factors that help improve your website’s ranking because people start to link to your content, which in turn will help bring in even more traffic.

Content Promotion: Doing it the Right Way

At this point, the importance of promoting your content should be pretty obvious. But how do you go about doing it? Before I begin listing off different strategies, it’s important to understand that there are two basic methods for how to increase blog traffic via promotion. These methods are known as wide content promotion and narrow content promotion.

Shotgun vs riffle on how to increase blog traffic

Widespread Vs Single Targeted

  1. Wide Content Promotion AKA Shotgun – Wide content promotion is a strategy in which you are basically casting a wide net in the hopes that you catch what you’re looking for. Basically, it’s unfocused targeting in the hopes of getting as much exposure for your content as possible.
    Some well-known wide content promotion methods:
    -Share More On Social Media (Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, and Instagram)
    -PPC (Facebook Ads, Twitter Ads, Adwords)

    For example, using PPC ads in order to promote your content using keywords or spamming your social media pages with links to your content. Sure, you’re giving your content more exposure this way, but when you cast such a wide net, you’ll have no guarantee that you’ll catch anything and the PPC involved rings up a high cost.

    So not only are you banking on that exposure providing more traffic to your blog, you’re banking on the hope that the traffic will be of high quality and that the visitors you do attract will be interested in your content.

  2. Narrow content promotion AKA riffle – Narrow content promotion is much more focused. This strategy has more… strategic elements to it that will help you attract more and higher quality traffic to your blog. The narrow content promotion is about finding the influencers within your niche and using them in order to promote your content.

    Influencers tend to have big follower bases that are made up of your target audience. If you can reach that audience, you’ll have more success at promoting your blog.

    So basically, unlike wide content promotion, narrow content promotion is a strategy in which you target certain individuals (the influencers) in order to more effectively reach an audience that is more likely to have an interest in your blog. More importantly, you can do this without the need for a budget.

Here’s the thing, many marketers and bloggers who try to promote their content will complain that their efforts are not helping to increase their web traffic. This is most likely because they are using wide content promotion instead of narrow content promotion. Wide content promotion just doesn’t work very well at all.

Take the common wide content promotion tactic of sharing content on Facebook. By doing this, you are hoping that not only will your followers see the content you have posted, but that they will share it with their own social circles.

Not only is there no guarantee that they will share or like the content you’ve posted, but due to Facebook’s algorithm, there’s no guarantee that anyone in their social circles will even see the content that was shared.

If you post on a Facebook Fan Page, there is no way you can get all you fans to see your post unless you pay for it. Facebook makes it worse if your past posts did not perform well. Your post will get less visibility.

Even if the post does get shared, have you ever stopped to consider that the people who see the post would go, “Aha, great stuff. I must share it”, or do they think, “Nah, just another post on my wall”?

Facebook Post Tiers for non influencer on How To Increase Blog Traffic

Facebook Post Share Flow without influencer

The above picture shows a normal post share flow. The whole objective here is that there are many layers for the sharing flow, but no significant influencers or authority figures. Even if you have spent your entire week preparing and researching a topic that provides great value to the readers, chances are they won’t share it.

Moreover, there’s no guarantee that they will click into your website or even read the content. There are just too many variables at play for wide content promotion to be considered effective. Stick to narrow content promotion for better results.

For example: Yun, Ben, John and Mike like your post and shared it with their friends. However, their friends do not believe in your idea. They just won’t share your stuff. How come these people do not believe your content is great?

It is because your post is being promoted by the non-influencers. Imagine a stranger telling you that coffee can cure cancer. Would you believe it? No, of course. What if, instead, it is a well-known and respected medical researcher that is the one telling you that coffee can cure cancer? Of course, it is highly likely that you will believe it. People value advice from the experts, or influencers, and give more credence to them.

If you are starting a new blog from scratch, you will need influencers to be your allies because people pay attention to them. This can help you to increase blog traffic. By leveraging on influencers, you are not only going to have a ton of blog traffic coming in, you are actually going to have people that pay attention to you.

How To Look For Your Influencer?

Reaching your influencers is a strategy that makes sense when it comes to increasing blog traffic. Or at least, hopefully, it does. However, that’s a lot easier said than done. How can you get your influencers to expose your blog to their followers? How can you build a relationship with your influencers? In fact, how do you even find your influencers?

How do you actually figure out who the influencers are within your niche?

  1. Find and follow them on twitter – The very first step you should take is to actually follow the influencers on whatever social media they are most present on. They may not notice you, especially if they have thousands of followers, but this gives you exposure to the posts that they are making.
  2. Google them all with the keywords related to your niche– Search for their blogs in Google top results. You can extract the email from the blog by using extension. Or you may try Email Hunter. You can also use Email Hunter if you have found the website of an influencer that doesn’t contain their contact info as it will reveal the website owner’s emails.
  3. Ask and you shall receive – You can also ask in communities such as Quora, Yahoo Answers, Niche Forum or Facebook Group for top influencers in the niche, as the following shows:
  4. Ask And you shall receive to increasse blog traffic

    [ADDITIONAL TIPS] Another excellent way to do this is by figuring out who your followers are following on social media. If many of your followers are following a single person that is relevant to your niche, there is a good chance that that person is an influencer.

    Doing this is relatively easy with tools such as Followerwonk, which allows you to compare the Twitter accounts of your followers in order to find overlaps in the people they are following. Followerwonk is free for first 30 days.

    You can also do content searches using tools like BuzzSumo, which can locate popular content based on niche subject matter. This allows you to identify popular blog writers that are therefore also influencers.

    These tools can save you a lot of time. Followerwonk, especially, is a powerful tool, it can help you search for influencers more efficiently and accurately.

    It can search by location

    followerwonk location on How To Increase Blog Traffic

    Sort by Social Authority

    social authority on How To Increase Blog Traffic

    AuthoritySpy is also a great tool for searching aggregated content from all over the web based on your search term or niche, if you willing to spend money on these gadgets. AuthoritySpy allows you to then find the blog and site owners that have the highest PageRank out of your results, as well as help you find the most influential people and blogs.

How to get your influencers to send the traffic to you

Trying to engage with the big influencers within your niche may be difficult if you are just starting up. In fact, you may be treated as spam if you try to reach out to these influencers by email. That is why I recommend that you start by going after mid-sized influencers first instead and then slowly work your way up from there.

1) Add value to their blog

You can add value to the content that influencers are posting by posting comments that further the conversation or add helpful information to the influencer’s readers.

White Board Friday Comments to increase blog traffic

Samuel did a great job on White board Friday by posting his own beneficial personal opinion

Just make sure you’re not posting just to post – you have to have something to add to the conversation that will make an influencer take notice. They’ll not only appreciate the fact that you are helping them to engage with followers better, but they’ll see that you have something insightful to add to the conversation.

Or you may ask them questions you have about the niche by posting them on their social media pages. A good question is going to be noticed and answered.

2) Point a Link to their content

When writing your own blog content, provide links to the content of your influencers as another resource for your own readers.

You’re doing them a huge favor since you are providing them with high quality external links that will help boost their PageRank, and you are sending them more traffic. They’ll notice this – especially if you do this often. Additionally, share and like their posts on social media.

3) Do not Spam them, start a relationship first

Begin building a relationship with your influencer in the same way that you would nurture your leads. This means using attractive headlines to make sure that they actually open your emails, making sure you keep your email content concise, and using a personal and less formal voice so that they can relate to you better and as a result you gain their trust.

Say No To Spam on How To Increase Blog Traffic

Make sure that you use your name for the “from” part of the email so that they know who you are and so that they know it’s not just some automated email. For example, we also received many emails in MarketersMedia. Just like the other influencers, we do not have the time to read everything in our inbox.

Spam Indox to increase blog traffic

MarketersMedia Indox

We really try our best to read all of them but unfortunately, we receive just too many emails in a single day. The same came be said of other webmasters or bloggers out there. If your email subject line looks like spam, we simply ignore it. This is why it is so important to craft an email that does not look like spam.

Moreover, the email guardian [Email Spam Filter] does not like spam, If you are considered a spammer, you will most likely get a ban.

These are the 3 things you have to know about email spam filter:
Avoid the same content and header with spammers: Email spam filter will block you for having the same email content and header with other spammers.

Don’t let them report you as a spammer: If your email gets you reported as a spammer, any email that you send out will be unable to reach the other receiver in the future because you’re banned by Email spam Filter.

Ip Address filters: The spam filter will take note of your IP Address. Therefore, any emails sent out from that IP address will be considered as spam if you have been reported as a spammer before.

Therefore, never copy an email template. If you are using it, people will perceive you as a spammer too. The worst case that could happen is that they report your email as spam.

Another reason to avoid using email templates is because spammers might have already used the same email template for spamming purposes. If you use it, the spam filter might think that you are a spammer too. Therefore, you need to craft a creative and personalized email.

4) Provide a free product or service

Another way to get attention from your influencers is to give them a free product or service. For example, if you are targeting a local food critic popular in your city, offer them a free meal at your restaurant. This will give them some incentive to engage with you.

For example, in the past, we wrote a post about Grammarly. One day, we received an email from Grammarly asking him to add a link to the SEOPressor blog and in return Grammarly will give we a free three-month premium Grammarly account. Here is their email: .

Grammarly Email

Ask and you shall receive. You can ask them to share your content in exchange for a free product or service.

5) Identify a problem and solve it

solve the problem for How To Increase Blog Traffic

Let’s say the influencer does writeups on his or her blog about all the latest running shoes, and your website sells running shoes.

In addition to giving them a pair of your newest shoes, you can also make helpful recommendations – such as recommending a product that is effective for cleaning running shoes. They’ll appreciate helpful advice like this.

6) Build your authority to become a rising star

One of the best ways to attract attention from mid-sized influencers is by becoming an authority yourself. Build your reputation through the quality of your content and your engagement with followers on social media as well as with other influencers.

By building your authority, not only will mid-sized influencers be more likely to listen to what you have to say, they may even come to you!


These are all ways you can reach out to your influencers. You can also simply email them or message them – but keep in mind that they probably receive hundreds of similar messages asking for favors in regards to brand exposure. By using these tips, you’re more likely to catch their attention.

If you use these tips effectively, they may even follow you in return, which is exactly how you get exposure to their followers. Once you begin building a relationship, they may begin sharing your blog content. I highly recommend asking if they would like you to do a guest post on their blog once your relationship begins to build. This is an excellent method for how to increase blog traffic.

Promoting your blog isn’t just important in getting your blog read, it’s also important for SEO purposes. Remember, Google will take into account an increase in traffic to your website when ranking your pages. You can find out why and how Google ranks pages by understanding their patents.

To get a better understanding of Google’s patents in order to better grasp the importance of your blog towards your SEO needs and how to increase blog traffic, be sure to read through our SEOPressor Google Patent Resources.

Related Links:
6 Ways To Use Human Interaction To Maximize Your Traffic
12 Hacks To Grow Traffic With Content Marketing In the Right Direction
You Can’t believe it, content marketing is going to evolve again

Updated: 14 March 2025


About Allysa

Allysa is always eager to learn something new whenever she got some free time and that includes SEO and inbound marketing. She also has a passion for traveling and discovering the unknowns.

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