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Increase Website Traffic: 38 Actionable Methods For 10x More Traffic

By winniewong on February 20, 2020

How To Increase Website Traffic with 38 Actionable Methods

This blog is written for everyone who has a website that is on the verge of failing, just “doing okay”, or even doing pretty well. If you own a website, or you are in charge of one, and you suspect it could be doing better in terms of traffic, you are right.

Here’s the problem, most site owners – even most web designers – don’t realize how much more powerful their websites could be. The vast majority of sites (yours included) on the Web today could attract far more visitors, and convert even more visitors to take desired actions.

The good news is, it is actually not rocket science to achieve significant success online. You just need to know the right steps and put them into practice. If you want to gain a competitive advantage on the Internet today, then this is the actionable guide to seeing an increase in website traffic.

So the question remains, “How to increase website traffic for free?” Well, let’s look at some of the best ways to increase website traffic in 2019 with these 38 strategies presented to you right away!

1) Create Catchy Headlines

Nothing gets attention faster than a headline that tells people exactly what they want to know and how it will help them – here you are, reading this list. See? It works!

For example, if someone were to look up for some healthy diet articles online, they will most likely stumble upon some of these titles below:

Catchy Headline examples

Write catchy headlines that attracts the eyeballs of your readers!

Your headline needs to be clear and specific at all times. It should tell your visitors what they can really expect if they were to click on your headline.

Just make sure that your headline is catchy enough to catch their attention in the first place so should it be able to deliver its value. Or else, you can just expect them to leave your blog immediately and never return if in any case, your headlines are not what they are expecting.

Just always be sure not to manipulate or mislead your visitors with click-bait headlines that don’t adequately represent the content. If your subject is worth reading, you can be sure that your visitors will definitely come back for more. And if they feel that your subject is not what they are looking for, you might want to change your focus to something else!

Need solid ideas for endless catchy headlines? Use the Blog Title Generator!

Blog Title Generator Homepage

Enter your targeted keyword and let the tool generate a list of catchy titles for you

Blog Title Generator Results

Click ‘Generate More Titles’ for more awesome title ideas!

Play around with new combinations of the list of catchy words above, your keywords, and the suggestions from our blog title generator and see what you can come up with. It’s a free headline generator and you’ll find content ideas for what to write about in a matter of minutes.

Related article: 12 Ways to Create Blog Titles That Brings Massive Traffic

2) Write Better Posts & Publish Frequently

SEOPressor Blog Posts

Publish frequently to drive traffic to website and gain followers

The more high-quality blog posts you have, the more people will reach out to reach you. Don’t have the habit to blog only once in a few months – in fact, you should blog every single day or at least every few days, and make sure they are good. And when we mean good, you basically have to come up with two types of content: The evergreen and the trending ones.

According to Wordstream, “evergreen content is the kind that will live on your blog forever and it will never go outdated.” This same rule applies to how music is produced.

Yes, those top trending music tend to drive higher popularity and engagement in a short period of time but in most cases, it won’t last long. On the other hand, evergreen music tends to drive longer popularity and engagement for a longer period of time.

Anyone remembers “My Heart Will Go On” by Celine Dion or “Hero” by Mariah Carey? I’m sure the majority of you do. These songs perfectly explain the area of “evergreen content” as we were mentioning.

Here are some ideas for evergreen content you can write on.

i) Interviews

Interviews increase website traffic

Interviews are a great type of evergreen content and an energy-efficient way of generating free traffic to your website if you have the appropriate contacts. People are forever looking for expert insight and added value.

Because it takes so long to become an authority, it’s highly unlikely an individual will cease to be an authority in the field in the months and years to come. On the contrary, as your subject becomes more experienced, their profile is likely to grow, which will drive more traffic to your site.

ii) How-To Guides

No matter how an industry evolves, these questions remain fundamentally the same for anyone just starting out. This gives you a great opportunity for evergreen content. A how-to guide is one of the best blog post ideas, as it will provide a solution to a problem people will never stop having.

Educational and informative how-to guides must break down the process into easy, actionable steps. If this is achieved, then the content will always be relevant to someone.

Remember, people are always at different stages in their journey, and those who need an introduction to a topic area are the ideal new visitors you want to be attracting.

iii) Case Studies

case studies seopressor blog

The great thing about case studies is that they are already a reflective analysis. As such, you’re unlikely to get new developments and evolutions, so the content will stay relevant for years and years.

A case study will be an invaluable reference for anyone doing deep research into a topic, looking for the best (or worst!) examples from within an industry, or trying to find a process to follow.

It is also a great opportunity for you to reflect on your own practice. By taking data you already have about what you’re doing, reflecting on it and sharing it, you can level with your audience while giving them a more valuable understanding of how much work you put in for their benefit.

This saves you having to hunt down a specific person or product and do all the deep research – you are a first-hand witness to your own case, so writing the study should be easy.

iv) List, Top Tips

List type of blogs to increase website traffic

If you’ve noticed SEOPressor’s blog, we usually post content that is related to ‘Lists and Top Tips’. That’s because lists, like this very list, can easily become evergreen, and most importantly is useful to our readers.

It’s worth pointing out that ideas are evergreen. The examples in this list will never change from being evergreen because they are ideas. List your ideas, and it can remain in place forever.

When it comes to a list like this, where inspiration is the idea, you have to cover every base to ensure someone can take away at least one idea from the list that will have value for them.

Lists like this also become a constant resource for people. They will keep coming back to your website to check on the content, so they don’t have to study and memorize it all. This will build the habit of coming to your site, which is incredibly valuable for customer retention.

v) Checklist

Checklists are invaluable tools that can make sure people are covering all their bases, and do things in the right order. Sometimes when you are working on an ambitious project, it can be incredibly difficult to remember everything you need to do.

Checkist type of blog

A checklist helps people understand a process, and is again a reference tool that people will keep coming back to again, and again, and again. What processes do you undertake and in what order? Codify that into a checklist, and you have valuable content.

Anyhow, the more you write the better it is because, for every new page you write, it allows you to cover a new keyword which can be helpful in driving organic traffic to your site! So the logic here is, the more frequent you write and post, the more chances of you in expanding your keyword coverage. Upon choosing relevant and right keywords, you’ll be on your way to gain instant website traffic!

Just make sure you don’t sacrifice quality for quantity. A blog that’s frequently updated with fresh, high-quality posts will keep the search engines happy.

Also, here’s 10 additional evergreen content ideas you shouldn’t missed. 

3) Go To Communities Where Your Audience Are

Go To Communities Where Your Audience Are

Join in the discussions and start building a solid relationship with your audience and increase website traffic.

Don’t just wait for people to come to you – join discussions and post links to your blog. In most cases, those links will remain visible and public, serving as a way of advertising to anyone else who comes in and reads the conversation.

Joining various online communities, such as public forums, is a great way to engage with your audience. Instead of straight-up advertising your blog, make sure that you contribute in a meaningful way.

If you have your blog linked to your user account, community members will eventually check it out if they find that you’ve offered insight into the community discussions. Of course, you can post new content to many of these communities as well in order to draw interest.

Quora remains the best place to do so in our opinion! Why do you ask?

Just look at the traffic that LSIGraph is getting just by actively joining in the discussions in Quora.

LSIGraph website traffic from Quora

Engage in high-quality discussion boards like on Quora or LinkedIn discussions.

You want to make sure that you provide insightful and valuable feedback to these discussions rather than just dropping your links because people won’t click on it if you do that. You could also get flagged as spam if you do so.

Other than getting exposure to your website, being an expert in your field will also build credibility amongst the community. Hence, traffic will naturally come.

4) Leverage On Your Email Marketing

Email Marketing statistics increase webtraffic

Some interesting facts about email marketing and where it’s headed.

Email marketing is still one of the most effective ways of reaching out to your customers and helps increase web traffic..

As seen in a research done by Oberlo, it is estimated that in 2022, there will be 4.3 billion users in total. We believe these findings have strongly shown the importance of email marketing in the coming years.

Here are some of the best tips we have at SEOPressor to build an email list:

    • An easy-to-find subscribe box

We keep ours above the fold, as we want it to be one of the first things our readers see, and A/B test the placement to find out where it works best.

    • Partnership

Sometimes we partner with other companies to increase our email list if the company is in a related but non-competitive space. For instance, we have a great collaboration with LSIGraph. This is a win-win situation, as their traffic is driven to our site and ours to theirs.

    • An optimized unsubscribe process

Instead of only an unsubscribe option, we’ve found that Aweber is a great tool to allow our readers to decide to receive less frequent emails, or only receive major announcements or topics they’re interested in.

    • Eye on the target!

We focus a lot on targeting when we build an email list, using the data Aweber collects to segment lists based on our subscribers’ interests, behaviors, and demographics.

People still prefer using email especially when it involves business or work matters and it is something that shouldn’t be denied. The world of marketing has changed tremendously in the past decade and if you aren’t taking advantage of using email marketing as part of your strategic marketing plan, then you are probably losing out a lot especially to your competitors who know the importance of it.

Hence, start by building up your email list today. At the end of the day, most business owners will have the same ultimate goal, which is to monetize and gain profits from their email lists.

Before we forget, let us share with you some of the best times you should consider sending your email to your prospects.

    • The Best Time To Send Email

This can be tricky, with many more options for effective time slots. What we’ve found helpful is thinking of when our subscribers may most likely have the time to browse on their phones.

Seeing which is the best time of day to send an email is especially important because data shows that the most email opens are likely to happen within the first hour of your mail being sent! This percentage continues to drop off after the first hour, so making sure you choose a productive hour is your key to success.

Mornings are definitely a great time. People check their phones first thing after waking up, or on their commute to work, perhaps with a cup of coffee in hand while getting up to date for the day.

The first peak, not so surprisingly, is at 6am. This is likely to be because of the statistic that indicates a whopping 50% of people begin their workday by checking their emails in bed. If your audiences are workaholics, 6am might be the perfect time for your email to land in their inboxes.

best time to send an email

There’s also high success between 9am and 11am, with a spike at 10am. If your subscribers are likely to be settling in at work and getting up to date online at 10am, this could be the optimum time for you.

best time to send an email afternoon

There’s another peak in the afternoon at 2pm, when people have finished lunch and are looking forward to finishing work. If a majority of your subscribers are office workers, this could be a great time to schedule your email.

best time to send an email night

Another high success rate occurs in the evenings, from 8pm to midnight. Guilty as charged, — I often check my emails again right before bed. With so many internet distractions these days, many people like to try and keep their mornings open for productivity and will avoid marketing emails in the mornings. The evening then becomes the perfect time to check their inboxes for other, non-work related emails.

Want more tips on what’s the best day to send emails? Read “The Best and Worst Times To Send Email” blog we’ve got for you!

5) Add A Social Sharing Button For Instant Website Traffic

In traditional inbound marketing, the Call to Action lies at the very end of your article. But what if you’re worried about having no one getting that far down your articles?

You can hack this process by inserting social media buttons – typically for Twitter, Facebook or Linkedin – at relevant spots on your page.

add a social sharing button to increase website traffic

Increase social sharing on your site with the floating share bar as seen above!

This makes it easier for users to share content they find valuable to their circle of friends If other people find it interesting enough, their friends will go back and read the entire article and there you have it, more site visitors!

This style of marketing is all about turning a basic act (reading blogs) into a social experience. “Experience” is the keyword here, because anyone who shares the content with their friends is probably going to finish reading so they can talk about it later.

You’re using marketing techniques to get people to promote even before they buy your product. Once they’ve told their friends they like you, they’re much more likely to follow through and ultimately buy something. If you’re looking into generating traffic in a way that encourages conversions, this is it.

[bof_display_offer id=28092]


What we will show you in the guide is a result of over 7 years of experimenting, testing, refining, spending and losing money. We’ve analyzed over a thousand websites throughout the journey, which all seemed to follow a specific pattern for instant website traffic.

Here’s to taking your website to greater heights and successfully getting website visitors on a massive scale in 2020 and beyond!

Are you ready to take up the challenge or are there still some work to be done on your site? All you need to do is start with one small step today and success awaits you!

Good luck! Don’t forget to read the rest of the methods for more traffic in the PDF (checklist included) we’ve prepared exclusively for you.

Updated: 7 February 2025


About Winnie

Winnie is an aspiring copywriter & internet marketer in the vast world of digital marketing. She's as curious as she can be; constantly hunting for answers to her questions, never saying no to new experiences. When she's not spending her time typing up a storm, she is at home keeping up with her never-ending movie marathon & books.

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