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Internal Link SEO Tips With The Founder Of LinkVector.io

By winniewong on February 21, 2019

Internal Link SEO Tips With The Founder Of LinkVector.io

Internal Link SEO SEOP blog feature image

The team from SEOPressor understands that interviews are a great way to share valuable and helpful practical knowledge with our audiences. Just recently, I had the golden opportunity to conduct an interview with the link building veteran, Henry Wilmer.

Henry Wilmer, Founder of LinkvectorHe is the Founder of LinkVector.io, an internal linking SEO tool. In recent months, Henry has formed a collaboration with Daniel from SEOPressor to make sure all your pages are linked from somewhere relevant in your site.

The partnership between these two powerhouses is really important as theyā€™ve successfully come up with a systematic process to help webmasters around the world build a solid internal link foundation for SEO.

I will be asking Henry regarding his tool, several internal linking tips, and what are his upcoming plans in the search engine optimization world. Youā€™ll also get to learn the big picture of the platform plus some frequently asked questions by his users about LinkVector.

Before that, be sure to head to LinkVector.io if youā€™ve not done so!

1. Would you mind to enlighten the readers with a bit of your background?


Hello to everyone reading this, Iā€™m Henry.

I am the Founder and CEO of LinkVector.io. I am an entreprenuer that discovered internal linking by accident and came to love it till today. In 2014, I started my first website, learned as much as I can about SEO, got the site ranked and the rest was history.

On a day-to-day basis, I help individual web owners and companies boost their rankings through the latest internal linking strategies.

2. Can you explain what LinkVector is?



LinkVector is an internal linking SEO tool. It is designed to discover all internal and outbound links of a domain.

You can benefit from this tool as it can help you find internal linking opportunities according to the level of relevancy of each link that is found in your site. The tool aims to help you do all the calculation to ease your ranking strategy in no time. Skip the hassle and let this tool assist you to a better ranking position.

Other than that, LinkVector analyzes all the links, presents them in a link map visualizer that is easily understood. It is also able to analyze all the links, detect broken links and notify you if such situations occur at anytime of the day.

Whatā€™s more, the ultimate goal of LinkVector is to tell you how well your internal link profile is and guides you through a process of building a solid internal link foundation for SEO.

3. What spurned you to start this internal linking tool?


Ah, thatā€™s a great question!

During my younger days, I worked in a corporate like many young people. However, I felt that doing 9 to 5 jobs doesnā€™t bring much value to my life. So I started exploring online to see what I can get from there. Little did I know, Iā€™d stumble across what is known today as digital marketing.

Surely, I set foot on the path right away without turning back. 5 years ago, I quickly learned that big named brands with unlimited marketing budgets dominate every vertical on Google. I knew something has to be done for bit-sized budget web owners like myself.

Started with close to zero income, I began writing articles as a blogger. Over time, I began linking to my old content (page) to every new content (page) that Iā€˜ve created, building an internal link.

By consistently doing that, my siteā€™s traffic skyrocketed within the same month! And better yet, the visitorā€™s engagement has increased over 200% on my sites. With what I was seeing, I knew I had to find a strategic, faster yet more sustainable way to build internal links.

Knowing the benefits it has brought to me, I wanted to make this readily available to the other webmasters as well. Also, given the amount of weight SEOs put on internal linking all these years was exactly why I started LinkVector.

4. Most people has probably known the answer to this but what are the benefits of internal links towards SEO?


Iā€™m glad you asked!

Well, I think people know internal linking does bring certain SEO benefits to a website. Yet, most of the people are underestimating the impact they can get of having a strong internal link profile.

Throughout the years, I have talked to many people in the SEO community both online and in person. Some of them are experienced online marketers who spend quite a number of years in SEO. Based on my observation, I could say that only less than 10% of them would spend time and effort to build internal link for their websites. Kind of disappointing, but thatā€™s the sad truth.

Why is that so? Well, they believe that internal link SEO does not carry any significant effect on rankings, as compared to other SEO efforts such as keyword research, competitor analysis, content creation, and etc. Donā€™t get me wrong. Yes, those aspects are equally important and an essential practise in SEO, but never neglect internal link building in the process.

And here is why.

Internal link SEO plays an important role, for both search engines and website users. A proper internal linking strategy can help you to achieve 2 things.

  • Firstly, it allows search engines to understand the structure and crawl your website better.
  • Secondly, it allows your website users to have better navigation experience on your site, and stay longer.

Fulfilling the needs of both parties will really boost a websiteā€™s ranking power.

Apart from this, it is worth to bring out this reminder. Internal linking is important, but do not overdo it. This is because link equity is transferable via internal linking. Overdoing it will cause a website or page authority to drop as a whole and we dont wanā€™t to see you there.

Thatā€™s where LinkVector comes into the scene and can help you remain at your best. Be strategic!

5. Since you mentioned about link equity, can you talk a little bit more about it?


Sure! Some of you might hear them somewhere before, but letā€™s look into them together.

First of all, link equity is also frequently being known as link juice.

Link juice can be understood as a medium that carries trustworthiness, relevancy, and authority of a site. Itā€™s transferable through linking one page to another.

If a page is ranking high in SERP, it means that the page carries a high-quality link juice. If the high-quality link juice page includes a followed link or internal link to another page, it can be interpreted as a vote of confidence. This happens by transferring a certain amount of authority via the followed link. With that, the linked page has a greater potential to rank higher in SERP.

Hereā€™s the glitch, if one page has too many internal links, the link juice will be transferred to the linked pages. Hence, it is not a good practice to bombard the pages that you would like to rank with links.

In other words, you should be doing internal linking only when itā€™s necessary. Do you know that overdoing it will dilute the link juice of the source page? If there are pages that you must link to, and you do not want them to gain the link juice from the source page, you can use the follow and nofollow technique to control the flow of link juice.

No, we are not going to discuss the techniques here today. But with LinkVector, you will know exactly which page you are supposed to internally link, and which link ought to be removed.

6. How will webmasters know the right page they should be linking to?


Knowing which is the right page to link tends to be abit hard especially if you have a myriad of content or blogs posts in your website. This is why you need a smart internal linking tactic!

With the presence of LinkVector, users can now discover the exact pages to be internally linked to achieve a greater SEO impact. All of these can now be done with zero hassle using the toolā€™s Inlinking suggestion, which is also the highlight of this tool.

By analyzing all the pages within your domain, LinkVector will evaluate and rate the relevancy score for each page, known as Link Relevancy Rating (LRR), a term coined by us. It simply refers to how good your internal linking is. Hence, users are recommended to link pages with a higher LRR.

7. How bad are broken links and error pages to the SEO and rankings?


Bad. Very bad.

If for any reason youā€™re having error pages or broken links in your website, many things are at stake. Many reasons may lead to this occurance; either the page has been removed, renamed on the server OR mispelled URL has been applied.

You see, these links create a bad experience. When visitors follow links to or from your website, they are expecting things they were searching for to be available to them once they get to that page.

If you donā€™t already know, users that bump into pages with broken links will quit the website in the fraction of seconds. This form of act causes a bounce rate. A high bounce rate causes will result in your rankings dropping believe it or not.

Besides, itā€™s important to know that one of the ways search engines rank websites is by crawling a siteā€™s links. If they are dead links in your website, it can stop search engine spiders from crawling your site nor indexing it. At an extreme level, Google may dislike you and when that happens be ready to say goodbye to your ranks and SEO.

Anyhow, thereā€™s an easy way to find 404 errors these days. That is by using LinkVector. To prevent such cases from occuring, the tool helps you to identify these broken links and error pages by notifying you when it happens.

Now you can save time by not having to dig through all your older posts and easily check the status of your links with the touch of a button!

8. What are some of the most common mistakes you see webmasters do when building links?


Hereā€™s a quick list of mistakes I see throughout my course as a digital marketer:

  • Thinking that more is always better.
  • Thatā€™s not true as we should always strive for quality instead of quantity.

  • Buying / Selling Links.
  • This is definitely a terrible idea as it hurts your rankings more than it does any good.

  • Not updating or maintaining links.
  • Like everything else that needs maintainence, links do too. Always make sure that they are correct and working.

  • Linking to low quality sites.
  • In the eyes of Google, linking there means you are supporting them and may give you a penalty as a result.

To webmasters who are new in this area, avoid doing all of the above and then voila! Youā€™ll be one step closer to achieving a higher rank in the search engine result page!

9. Iā€™m sure youā€™ve been asked this alot. What separates LinkVector from the other internal linking softwares out there?


Surely everyone has their own unique proposition in every industry.

As for LinkVector, the differentiation comes from the fact that is it powered by the Document Relevance Rating formula. It is programmed to discover and understand the contextual distance of each link in a domain based on Advanced Natural Language Processing Techniques.

As mentioned earlier, the main feature of this tool is its Inlinking suggestion, designed to help users link the pages to boost their websiteā€™s SEO. Through this, search engines will understand the relevance, relationship and value of the pages.

This is why LinkVector is able to tell you how well your link structure is and will guide you through the optimization process to build a professional internal link profile on a domain level!

10. Were you faced with difficulties when handling the launch and post launch period of LinkVector?


Iā€™m pretty sure facing difficulties are inevitable when we work on any project. All along, we had many users writing to us telling us how weā€™ve helped them in internal linking. Of course, not everything is what it seems.

The development team have had sleepless nights where they had to figure out the best way to implement a well-structured logic for the tool to work out. There were also times where minor bug issues occured but thanks to my team of developers, they were quickly solved.

Here, Iā€™d like to give my utmost gratitude towards my entire team for the hardwork they have put in all these months. Also, allow me to take this time to address some issues that may occur to my current users.

We’ve just updated LinkVector with an improved system, hence your project will now be completed much more quicker. However, as the changes to the system are huge, some old projects will need to be recreated to take advantage of the improved system.

Those of you who are not seeing some of your past projects may recreate the projects and you should be able to access them again within a few minutes.

If you need any help with the transition to the new improved system, please don’t hesitate to reach out to our dedicated support team.

11. How do you think LinkVector will help the online marketers or SEO community as a whole?


LinkVector will be a great addition to your SEO toolkit. It changes how you discover all the internal and outbound links in your domain and presents them in an organized and meaningful structure. With this tool, thereā€™s no way you could have ā€œmissedā€ them now.

It is designed to help the webmasters by using insightful data to help them make better-informed decisions. The tool is also flexible, automated and easy to use.

By having all these, it adds a whole new dimension of doing internal links and gives you higher success rates on your campaigns.

12. Once again, heartiest congratulations on the success of LinkVector! Before we end this, do you have any plans for LinkVectorā€™s future?


Thank you very much! These successes would not be possible without the blood and sweat from my dedicated team and of course, the users too! Seeing their enthusiasm and passion makes me want to give back to them by going an extra mile.

As for whatā€™s next in line for LinkVector, Iā€™ve not mentioned it to the public yet, but Iā€™ll be giving all of you a little sneak peek. We are currently in the process of upgrading some of the features as requested by our users. We have been and always will listen closely to the feedbacks given by our users.

In due time, everyone can expect more advanced features presented in the tool!

That’ll be the end of our interview today. Thank you again, Henry.
Hereā€™s wishing you continuous success on your current and future projects. Best of luck to you!

With that, I hope youā€™ll get the best out of this interview.

Check out LinkVector and see for yourself how you can benefit from it.

Donā€™t forget to let us know your success stories in the comment section below!

Get Started With LinkVector Now

Updated: 7 February 2025


About Winnie

Winnie is an aspiring copywriter & internet marketer in the vast world of digital marketing. She's as curious as she can be; constantly hunting for answers to her questions, never saying no to new experiences. When she's not spending her time typing up a storm, she is at home keeping up with her never-ending movie marathon & books.

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