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Interview With The Co-Founder Of A Revolutionary SEO Suite, BiQ

By winniewong on December 13, 2019

Interview With The Co-Founder Of A Revolutionary SEO Suite, BiQ

Feature image Interview With The Co-Founder Of A Revolutionary SEO Suite, BiQ

Hi everyone!

If you’ve read the blog on our first announcement of SEOPressor’s collaboration with BiQ, you would already have gotten a glimpse of what the revolutionary tool offers.

Today, we are thrilled to have invited BiQ’s co-founder, Ian, to discuss further what would soon turn out to be one of the most talked-about SEO suites in the market.

Before that, be sure to head to biq.cloud if you’ve not done so!

1. Please tell us more about yourself, Ian.


Hello everyone, thanks for tuning in! My name is Ian, one of the co-founders of BiQ, an SEO suite that gives users granular cost control.

I went to college to be a civil engineer, graduated and got a job doing just that. Over a few years of working tirelessly, I found out that I didn’t actually get fulfillment from the corporate world.

As someone who had an entrepreneurial spirit, I’ve always liked doing little projects and building things. I was later introduced to SEO when I was looking for a job change online. Ever since then, my life has always revolved around marketing.

It got me curious to see the constant creation of new tools or plug-ins for marketers to get better results. In 2017, with the emergence of new and improved technology, I and my team ventured out in creating an SEO tool that hopefully, would revolutionize the marketing scene; known as BiQ today.

2. Tell us more about BiQ, what’s the story behind it and how did this idea come to life?


BiQ is short for Business Intelligent Quotient. The history dates back to 2017 where the idea started from a calculator! It began when my team, encompassing a group of internet marketers and IT specialists, realized that we were spending thousands every month.

What’s even surprising was the money got burnt out on different SEO tools that were handling different functions. For example, we would be paying to get long-tail LSI keywords to KWFinder, backlinks to Ahrefs, website insights to SEMRush and inbound marketing services to Moz.

Subscribing to all of them means a lot of money spent in a year, Winnie. When 1 tool can bill you a hundred dollars, what about 3-4 tools at once?

So I figured, why can’t we have a tool that includes all the important features in a place? Can’t we just subscribe to one that specializes in keywords, content, site analysis, and other SEO must-haves? Then there was BiQ!

Now we know that there are several other powerhouses already working on providing an all-in-one SEO suite, so we knew we had to come up with a different positioning in the market. Having a brand doing and providing the exact same thing won’t mean much to the public, right?

3. And the unique selling point (USP) for BiQ is?


The major USP lies in the price!

BiQ spearheads price democratization in the market. It is the world’s first SEO suite that provides granular cost control to users. That means users get to pay only for what they use and don’t pay for what they don’t use.

The logic behind this is simple, you no longer have to pay for an entire suite for features you may not need. How did we come to that point? We figured, since we were also struggling with the sum we had to pay each month, others would too!

Mind if I ask all of you if you are willing to pay for an entire SEO suite for two or three features you are actively using? If you’re like me you won’t be. But the market made it seem like there’s nothing much we could do but to abide by paying a costly sum, right?

BiQ is the game-changer here. The mission statement of BiQ is to allow you to pay only for what they use by democratizing the price. We also aim to give you the ultimate freedom/flexibility and make this the most comfortable SEO suite you’ll ever encounter.

4. Were you faced with any difficulties when you first started?


The list of problems I’ve had can fill a million-page book (laughs) but let’s just stick to the major ones.

Feature planning was the first thing everyone had to brace. To me, that was one of the hardest yet memorable things we’ve done. We were trying all these different ideas and even had the features revamped from what we had initially planned; all for that slice of perfection!

On the technical side, there were constant testings and breakthroughs in terms of technology. Since BiQ is designed to be intelligence-powered, there were many computer languages our programmers had to venture into. Huge volumes of code and lots of inconsistent (at first) efforts turned BiQ into the beauty that it is now.

Convincing the public that we are unlike other conventional tools out there was another difficult part for marketers. As no one was pioneering in the “pay for what you use” strategy, the risk of facing failure seemed higher for us.

“What if no one actually likes the idea or the message behind BiQ?”, was our main concern.

Still, the entire team went all out for the launch. They say good things come to those who persist because several weeks after we started off, we received a plethora of messages on Facebook and emails telling us how much they liked what BiQ is offering!

Many of them also told us that they were also eager for the official launch of the tool as BiQ successfully piqued their interest. Thanks to the dedication from the BiQ team who were incredibly engaged throughout the process, we’ve garnered positive responses from lots of people.

Not forgetting the support from the public too, the launch was a success thanks to all of you! Seeing everyone’s enthusiasm and passion makes me want to give back to them by going the extra mile.

5. I’m sure many people are eager to know about this, but what are the modules that you are providing?


BiQ has 6 main modules that cover many important aspects of SEO.
Here’s an overview of what makes BiQ extraordinary:

    1. Keyword intelligence

This module drills the importance of targeting the right keywords or phrases based on searcher’s intent for your SEO strategy. After entering your word or phrase in the search bar, it gives you vital information about the keywords you want to target, allowing you to make informed decisions.

    1. Rank Intelligence

This module gives you the ability to scale insights and discover ranking opportunities you don’t even know. You’ll also be able to identify featured snippet opportunities of your website while also hijacking your competitor’s position zero.

    1. Link Intelligence

This module facilitates the automated linking of related web page content. It can provide suggestions for you to quickly find and improve your link structures. Keep your site in tip-top condition by identifying gaps and deficiencies in your links effortlessly.

    1. Content Intelligence

This module ensures consistency in brand, message, and style across all types of content is achieved. Every approach found here helps you make further improvements that’ll deliver incredibly powerful content at scale. Get your content graded into either one of the 8 categories with sentiment analysis.

    1. Markup intelligence

This module helps in providing richer and more accurate results to the search engines. BiQ’s microdata format will help in boosting your SERP ranking. Take this opportunity to find out where your website stands in terms of schema language you competitors are diving into.

    1. Site Intelligence

This module enables you to perform a comprehensive audit to find any bottlenecks affecting your site’s visibility. A complete website audit, done frequently, gives you a clearer view on how you can improve your entire website as a whole.

+ More Features (save & track data, adaptive filters, team collaboration, etc.)

There’s a whole list of it! Look them up over at BiQ!

6. Would you mind to enlighten the readers on how is BiQ different than the rest of the SEO suites in the market?


BiQ for many reasons stands out, it just comes down to which one you’re comparing. Instead of comparing BiQ to other well-known brands out there, let me showcase some of BiQ’s unique features and functionalities instead.

You can think of these as our USPs too – things that make us stand out from the dozens of other tools with similar functionality.

  • Usage-based pricing
  • An AI-guided platform
  • Advanced line-by-line analysis
  • Visualize link structure with link mapping
  • Track ranking movement of your keywords and pages
  • Identifying featured snippet opportunities of your website
  • Win over your competitor’s position zero
  • Measure link value with link relevancy rater
  • Write with sentiment analysis in mind
  • Receive prioritized optimization plan
  • Measure link relevancy with advanced document analysis

And if you’re wondering why we only have 11 points, it’s not because we only have 11 unique features but because I don’t want to bore your readers with over 60+ features found in BiQ! (More about the 60+ features here)

7. How do you think BiQ will help marketers and SEOs as a whole?


If costs were your concern previously, BiQ will help you overcome it just like how it did for many others. We believe how much customers are being charged shouldn’t be taken lightly.

If you feel that your using habits don’t match your purchasing value, BiQ lets you scale as you grow by giving you the ability to pay only for what you use and don’t pay for what you don’t use.

If not having guidance and not knowing what to do were your biggest worries, BiQ’s intelligent capabilities can help you excel in SEO.

If you’ve been working hard on SEO but see no positive returns, BiQ’s caliber in providing users with results is also supported by other huge names like SEOPressor and LSIGraph.

If keeping up with constant changes of SEO felt like a dreadful thing to you, BiQ is designed to keep you constantly updated with Google-approved tips.

Believe it or not, there are still some marketers and businesses not doing SEO. To those brands, I would say they absolutely need to start today!

8. How long did it take for BiQ to gain public awareness? Seeing that it’s a new platform, I believe it’s not going to be easy.


Starting out was certainly the toughest period but the thought of giving up never once crossed our minds. If we managed to pull through when we first learned about SEO, how can it stop us now for the betterment of all?

For the first week, we scoured Facebook and Quora to populate the idea of “paying only for what you use”. We ran advertisements across social media, written a ton of blog posts on BiQ’s blog, started a Facebook group for BiQ’s early adopters and got the conversation started on Quora.

It really wasn’t easy reaching out to people, planting the seeds of BiQ in the minds of people who were completely new to this approach. Thankfully, the first 10 to 50 users that found out about BiQ gave us positive feedback. But that wasn’t enough.

Most of the time, we were thinking of how we could it out to more people. We were reading all kinds of materials for advertising, blogs and other relevant things in marketing. We were diligently taking down notes on things that were working for us and constantly finding new ways to get the word out.

Slowly but surely, our efforts turn out to be worthwhile.

Not long after, BiQ was gaining traction! It was a thrilling experience to see how everyone agreed with the idea of having users pay only for what they use for. With that, we were pretty sure that we were on the right course when it comes to solving marketers’ concerns on costs.

9. Do you see the trend of “Pay Only For What You Use” rising in the coming years?


Yes, I’d like to believe so.

Usage-based pricing is somewhat less common among Saas business – it’s mainly used by telecommunications companies and IT services. But BiQ has tapped into this trend and is here to prove that it is working.

It has all the stars aligned and has the potential to reach a bigger market. This is especially prominent if everyone starts creating more tools that bases off the “Paying Only For What You Use” structure.

Actually, it’s not something new as this method has long existed on the margins of the economy like in theatre companies as well as fashion e-tailers.

What about something that is close to the heart? We have major web-based businesses like Microsoft and Amazon Web Services (AWS) who are also running the “buy what you use” pricing strategy.

Well, I’m not here to say this pricing model is THE best because it depends on what your business is providing really. If for instance, your Saas company helps users to create and print custom t-shirts, it would make sense to manage costs by charging for each use rather than requiring your customers to pay for a service that they might not always use.

10. All the best, Ian! I hope to see BiQ emerging as one of the top brands soon. Do you have any solid plans for BiQ’s near and distant future?


Thank you for the well-wishes Winnie. That’s a really good question, a question that indicates the end of the interview is near (laughs). Jokes aside, all we’re doing now is getting the closed beta and then the official launch a smash hit!

Oh, I’ve got another thing to spill and you’re seeing it first on SEOPressor. Also in the pipeline are plans for BiQ to have a dynamic perspective makeover in the next phase! This is something we’re really excited about. Doing this could set us apart from the rest of the tools in the market.

As for the big picture, it’s rather hard to predict what’ll happen five or even ten years down the road. Things change at every given time, right? All I know is the team and I will continue striving until we are recognized as the cream of the crop.

Our mission will always be to empower marketers by giving back cost control back to their hands. So we’ll always be building tools and resources that help and speaks to them in every possible way.

Thanks again, Ian, for being on SEOPressor. It was really great to have you around. Best of luck in your current and future endeavors.



The BiQ team has developed a new browser extension known to all as LiveKeyword!

It provides useful keyword metrics for online marketing experts like you to excel in keyword research. This sleek extension has 2 main sections: “Relevant Keywords” and “Related Searches”. Both sections provide accurate estimates on your search query.
Some main features include:
✔️ Related Keywords – phrases that people often search for in addition to your main keyword
✔️ Related Searches – searches that are closely related to your main keyword
✔️ Keyword Data – make better keyword research decisions with search volume, CPC, and competition
✔️ Export as CSV – download a large list of keywords in one go

To find out more about BiQ and how it can help you in your SEO journey, head over to
biq.cloud, the world’s first SEO suite with granular cost control.

BiQ's Closed Beta Access

Updated: 15 February 2025


About Winnie

Winnie is an aspiring copywriter & internet marketer in the vast world of digital marketing. She's as curious as she can be; constantly hunting for answers to her questions, never saying no to new experiences. When she's not spending her time typing up a storm, she is at home keeping up with her never-ending movie marathon & books.

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