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By winniewong on December 3, 2015
Link earning is the foundation to every successful content marketing. We should never underestimate the power of link earning because it is capable of helping a website to rank well in search engines. Not only that, earning links from prominent websites will give your domain more authority.
Link earning is a process of gaining natural links that will drive organic traffic to your website. When people like what you’re writing, they will automatically share it around on the forums, blogs, or social media and link it back to you – that’s when you earned a link.
Many have mistaken link earning with link building. Both of them may not be completely different, but you can see it as two sides of a coin.
Not many people prefer link building nowadays because it considers as a black hat tactic where you build your own links from people around you. But Google is getting smarter now that they can identify between spam and genuine links. You can’t fool Google because even if you think you can, Google will find out very soon.
Thus, start using link earning now. There may be many different ways to begin link earning, but in this post, I will be sharing with you guys a few link earning tips that I found effective.
When you think of link earning, do you think of content marketing? You should. Quality content that is engaging to the readers is an essential in any link earning campaign. Always remember to create something different from the others because that’s what makes you special.
Readers will get bored of the same old content easily. But when you created valuable content that readers find it useful, other websites will naturally link to your content.
Your content doesn’t only represent you, it also represents your company. So for every piece of article that you’re writing, it has to serve a purpose and make sure that it is beneficial to the readers.
Great content is absolutely vital in link earning because it can drive more organic traffic to your website. When readers like what they’re reading, your content will definitely spread like a wildfire on the social media platforms.
For example, Zhi Yuan’s post about the comparison between short and long tail keywords was recently tweeted by SEMrush. Valuable content is what makes people notice your post and share it around.
When readers find your content informational, they will share it and you’ll earn more links.
Outreaching to the influencers is not easy, but possible. If it is done correctly, influencers will circulate your content and you will have a phenomenal effect on your organic traffic.
Now that the Internet is so advanced, we can easily meet new people of our industry, especially through social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Google+, and LinkedIn. This type of medium helps to build abiding relationships with the influencers.
You can interact with the marketing experts about SEO or any other related topics. In the meantime, discuss your article with them, and if they find something useful in the article, they will definitely share it around to people in the same industry.
For example, soon after Azfar published his post about honest marketing, his traffic boosted immediately when it was shared by Dharmesh Shah, the co-founder of HubSpot.
Getting noticed by an influencer can help to get exposure faster.
When you have a great content, it will be shared on different network that will spread to more audiences.
Readers who find the post interesting will recognize Azfar. Not only he gained more traffic from that, but he is also developing a reputation for himself. You don’t want to just get noticed by the influencers, but you can be the influencer as well.
Guest posting simply means writing and posting an article on someone’s website or blog. Guest post on quality blogs also help to earn links because you’re exposing yourself to more new readers.
Furthermore, you are also outreaching to your followers. Since they already know you, they will definitely check out your latest work whenever you published a new one. And then they will help to spread your article on the social media.
Here in SEOPressor, Zhi Yuan has an experience of guest posting in CoSchedule. When asked how did he do it, he said that he started by sending an e-mail to CoSchedule.
Most importantly, he said you must do your homework. Read up on what topics that are already up in CoSchedule because you wouldn’t want to write the same topic again. He then approached them by showing some writing work of his and pitched at least three ideas that are fresh and unique. You can read his article on 21 social media engagement tactics to grow your audience here.
Guest posting is a great way to connect with new readers and develop your brand recognition.
If you wonder how did he stumble upon the blog that he can guest post on, the answer is research. Research for the blog that you think will be suitable for your targeted audiences. And if you have figured out which website you’re interested to guest post on, keep an eagle eye on the website – talk to them, give feedbacks, leave a comment on their posts so that they will notice you.
It is important to establish a connection with them in order to get recognized, then you will stand a chance to guest post. Grab the opportunity while you can.
As an inbound marketer, you must get involved in the community. Other than knowing more people from the same industry, it also helps to increase your brand awareness.
There is more than one community on Google+ that you can join to share your articles for related prospects to have a read. If you’re lucky enough, you will probably get your tips discover by a few bloggers or influencers who will link to your site, resulting in earning more links.
There is a number of communities on Google+ where you can meet people who are in the same industry and exchange information.
Choose the right community that you think is the most suitable. For example, if you’re writing about SEO, you wouldn’t want to post your website in a fitness community. Every community has its rules and you should refer to it or else you will get banned. There are plenty of communities out there that will definitely suit your topic.
Getting more exposure equals to driving more traffic to your website. And Google+ has proven to have an impact on the organic traffic. Don’t believe it? Check out Azfar’s post on how he increased organic traffic by using Google+.
You will be surprised.
Here’s an extract from Azfar’s post on the effect that Google+ brought to his organic traffic.
Other than sharing blog posts on Google+ communities, you can also leave a comment or feedback on the post that you’ve read in other community like Inbound.org. Interaction is very important as it builds relationship.
When I first joined SEOPressor, I didn’t know where to begin. Then, my teammates introduced Inbound to me, and I started by introducing myself in the community. Although I’m not actively involved yet, but it is a good start for a beginner. We should not be afraid, but we have to be daring to try. Exposure is really important for your link earning campaign.
Get more people to know you by introducing yourself when you join a new community.
Everybody knows the power of social media. Therefore, you should grab this chance to make good use of your social media accounts to build up your business. Once you have published your content, share it as much as you can on a different social media accounts.
Here’s an infographic from Branching Out Europe that you can refer to regarding the benefits of social media for your business:
Social media is highly used for marketing because it’s easier to reach out and connect to people around the world.
If you’re like me who doesn’t want to mix personal account with a business account, it is doable. I have my own personal account before this, and now I’ve created a new Twitter account solely for business purpose. Things are easier this way because it looks more professional and readers can easily reach out to me when they have any enquiries.
You can end up getting comments and shares that will help to get more exposure in the industry. But of course, you have to reply to the comments and engage with the readers. Not responding to their comments is a serious mistake that you should avoid! Readers will find you ignorant and you will lose your fellowship.
Remember, using your social media accounts to promote your content is one of the main tasks to earn links. When readers share your content, it will show up on their followers’ feed and then, your content will be passed around on their accounts, generating more traffic.
Not everyone is born to be a designer. Therefore, it is completely fine to use the infographics that you found online and featured it in your content. But you must credit your sources. Taking content without crediting is just like stealing. You wouldn’t want to be labelled as a thief.
Crediting your sources doesn’t only show your gratitude, you can also get your sources to recognize you. I believe your sources will be more than happy knowing that you are appreciating their hard work.
If you think that they might not notice you because you only credited them in the blog post, then reach out to them. Start by sending them e-mails to let them know that you have used their infographics in your post. Then, they will get your attention and visit your website.
Giving and receiving feedback can build connections between marketers.
You can also tag the blogger or website in your social media accounts like how I did if you’re not a fan of e-mail.
Mentioning your source on social media is a good way to link earning because there’s a chance that users will notice your website.
You’ll never know if you never try. Who knows, they will probably RT your tweet on their accounts and you will be earning more links, isn’t that great?
Creating a diverse backlink profile can have a positive effect to your website, but how can you be sure that your efforts are working? By keeping track of your rankings.
The best way to keep track of your rankings is by using a tool like BiQ that has rank tracking function.
Google will need a few days to recrawl and process your websites and your backlink profiles, but once positive changes are detected, it will slowly readjust the rankings of your web pages.
So remember to keep track of your rankings so you can have a good idea on if your efforts are paying off and also how many days to expect improvements in rankings.
Marketers should focus more on delivering great content and interaction with the audiences. You can’t go wrong with link earning because it is a natural and ethical way of gaining more organic traffic to your site. Besides that, you get to raise your brand awareness and website authority too. So what are you waiting for? Start your link earning campaign now!
What do you think of these few ways to start link earning campaign? Feel free to leave a comment below if you have any other suggestions!
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Updated: 15 March 2025
Winnie is an aspiring copywriter & internet marketer in the vast world of digital marketing. She's as curious as she can be; constantly hunting for answers to her questions, never saying no to new experiences. When she's not spending her time typing up a storm, she is at home keeping up with her never-ending movie marathon & books.
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