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Google Search Showing Fewer Rich Results | October 2022 Week 4

By on October 28, 2022

Hello fellow readers. Welcome to another week of SEO News. Just like that, we are coming to the end of October. Has the month of October been a good month for you? Let me know. Let’s take a look at our list of news for the week! 

  • Google Search Showing Fewer Rich Results 
  • Google’s John Mueller on Link Wheels 
  • Microsoft Bing With A New Search Bar Location 

25/10 – Google Search Showing Fewer Rich Results 

Google has recently started showing fewer Rich Results in Searches such as Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ), and People Also Ask (PAA). 

This reduction in rich results in Google Search has been picked up by several tracker tools. 

RankRanger – FAQ
RankRanger – PAA
Semrush – PAA

As you can see from the tracker tools above, there have been major reductions in rich results in SERP. The question then remains on whether this is just a temporary bug caused by the recent updates or is it permanent. 

Google’s John Mueller On Link Wheels

A Twitter user recently asked Google’s John Mueller whether Link Wheels are a good practice. 

 In response to the user, Google’s John Mueller stated that Link Wheels go against Google’s spam guidelines which do not bring any benefit to a website’s SEO. 

For those of you who don’t know what Link Wheels are, they are essentially an SEO technique that goes against Google spam guideline where one creates several sites and link them to each other in a round-robin fashion.

These sites are specifically created for the sole purpose of manipulating the rankings of a website, to manipulate Google into thinking those links are natural. 

Microsoft Bing With A New Search Bar Location 

Google has always been at the forefront of search, but it seems that this time Bing has taken the lead. 

In a new design that is being tried out by Bing Search, searchers would now be able to access the search bar at the bottom-right of their page without needing to go to the top of the page. 

Search Icon At The Bottom Right
Search Bar At The Bottom Right

What do you think of this new design? Would it be useful for searchers? Should Google follow suit? 

The End! 

That is all for this week’s SEO news. What do you think about this week’s news? Has Bing gained the edge over Google? Let me know in the comments below. 

Updated: 26 July 2024


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