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By gymosphere on February 8, 2013
SEOPressor V5 was released on Jan 24th. Many of you have upgraded your Version 4 to the latest 2013 SEOPressor V5. For those who have not purchased, it’s now time to grab V5 and skyrocket your SEO ranking.
Within the first 10 days of the release, we had received a massive response. We were given huge love of the update from our users. We have also been able to work with many of your suggestions and that’s how the 20 changes to the codes come by.
In only 10 days, we have made 20 changes to SEOPressor V5 to prepare for a minor release, V5.0.1. This is the first minor release in Version 5 and we hope to keep good things added.
The main purpose of the release:
1) To fix bugs faced by some users – Though we have tested thoroughly, there could still be bugs that we have never uncovered. With your help and timely report, we are able to fix the bugs just as fast as you can spot them.
2) To widen compatibility – We are one of the few WordPress developers to be aggressive with compatibility. You know, it’s hard to predict when there are so many combinations of WordPress versions, plugins, themes, server environments and making sure they are compatible is not an easy task. Of course, if you’d only used SEOPressor, it will be compatible, but when other themes and plugins come into action, problems can arise. SEOPressor’s development is strictly following WordPress Developers Code to ensure we arrive at a compatibility policy. However, not every plugin developer follows the rules! So we take an extra step – if there is any incompatibility caused by other themes/plugins, we are more than happy to dig into their codes and find a way to work with them. It’s easier to contact us than contact other plugins developers, we know about that! Our desk is open 24/7. We are the professionals.
3) To speed SEOPressor up – SEOPressor is already fast but we will never stop. Optimizing the performance of the codes from 5 secs to 2 secs is easy. Going from 2 seconds to 1 second is not an easy task. Going from 1 sec to 0.9 secs will take even a longer time, which will have us refactoring the codes, diving into each lines to find places we can optimize. In this release, we analysed users report and common usage patterns and drew away few infrequently used sections of the codes from being called. This has sped up SEOPressor tremendously, you should be able to notice the improvement!
4) To add more usability and flexibility – Everyone uses SEOPressor the way they like. We want to make SEOPressor a plugin that you feel comfortable playing with, one that you will always see, touch and interact with. In the light of this, we want to hear from you and put your request into work. This will make you love SEOPressor even more!
Here are the major changes for SEOPressor V5.0.1:
– Changed the mechanisms of AJAX requests to improve compatibility with certain hosts and environments
– Added a workaround to BING API to allow certain hosts to connect to external resources correctly
– Improved cache-filtering during analysis and display
– Improved handling of on-the-fly changes
– Improved license activation and handling
– Added compatibility to “read more” paginations of certain themes
– Improved user experience related to code warnings and failed requests
– Updated JavaScript to avoid incompatibility on environments that fail to send values like 12×10 as part of JSON requests.
– Updated code to be lenient with other plugins not loading Zend_Loader correctly.
– New option: You can now select if you want OpenGraph image to be used
– New Option: You can now select if you want to enable OpenGraph/TwitterCard
We are packing V5.0.1 for release now, you should see an update link from within WordPress if your host settings is set correctly for one-click update, otherwise you will need to download and re-install a new copy.
How you can help SEOPressor be friendly with your environment:
– Log your request to our support desk
– Detail your request/problem, how it happened, what do you wish it to do (screenshots help a lot!)
– Many users create logins for our developers to have a look into their WP setup, this helps tremendously and is everyone’s #1 preferred method!
– Give us time as we iron the issues out. Some can be instant, some may take days to study (especially with compatibility so try to be patient!)
We thank all users who have logged their requests and helped us dive into the codes on their environments. This has allowed SEOPressor to be always your best WordPress SEO Plugin. We hope to have your continuous support and assistance and have SEOPressor work for you. Enjoy your improved ranking!
Updated: 18 March 2025
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