Steph W. from SEOPressor

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[Announcement] SEOPressor Data Importer Is Now Available!

By winniewong on June 13, 2016

SEOPressor Data Importer

We’re happy to introduce a new tool that is designed specially for you guys – SEOPressor Data Importer.

Ever since the launch of SEOPressor Connect, we have received many feedbacks and support from you guys. You said it, we heard you!

We understand that most of you who have installed other plugins are facing some difficulties transferring the data into SEOPressor Connect.

Most of you have to redo everything again if you are to use SEOPressor Connect.

But you no longer have to worry about that because we have found the solution for you.

We’re proud to announce our new tool – SEOPressor Data Importer!

You can now keep all the SEO data and settings that you’ve set up previously even if you’re coming from Yoast or All in One SEO Pack plugins.

What Can SEOPressor Data Importer Do For You?

  • Analyze all the data and settings that you have in other plugins.
  • Imports title, meta description, targeted keywords, robot.txt settings, canonical URL, and more!
  • Support data import from Yoast and All in One SEO Pack into SEOPressor Connect.
  • Easy-to-use user interface and lightning-fast processing.
  • The best part… it comes FREE with SEOPressor Connect!

Next up, let me show you the list of compatible data that will be imported into SEOPressor Connect:

Importing Yoast Into SEOPressor Connect:

    SEOPressor Data Importer

  • Title
  • Meta Description
  • Focus Keyword
  • Robot Rules
  • Canonical URL
  • Open Graph Title
  • Open Graph Description
  • Open Graph Image
  • Twitter Card Title
  • Twitter Card Description
  • Twitter Card Image

Importing All In One SEO Pack Into SEOPressor Connect:

    SEOPressor Data Importer

  • Title
  • Meta Description
  • Canonical URL
  • Robot Rules
  • * Please note that disabled SEO Settings in All in One SEO Pack will not be imported.

If you’re not from Yoast or All in One SEO Pack, let us know!

We’re keeping our options open and will definitely update the SEOPressor Data Importer to include more SEO plugins in the future if there are demands for them.

You can also visit our tutorial page to learn how to install and use SEOPressor Data Importer.

Import your data and settings with SEOPresor Data Importer now!

Coming from plugins like Yoast SEO and All-In-One?
You can now import all the SEO data and settings to SEOPressor Connect!

Download Data Importer

The SEOPressor Team

Updated: 26 July 2024


About Winnie

Winnie is an aspiring copywriter & internet marketer in the vast world of digital marketing. She's as curious as she can be; constantly hunting for answers to her questions, never saying no to new experiences. When she's not spending her time typing up a storm, she is at home keeping up with her never-ending movie marathon & books.

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