Steph W. from SEOPressor

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Make Money From Blogging: Skills And Resources To Make It Happen

Previously I wrote a blog about how Neil Patel created a blog that generated $100,000 a month in revenue, in just 12 months. I’m sure that when reading this, a lot of people thought, “Well that’s easy for him, he’s Neil Patel.” Which made me think about what you really need to succeed in monetizing […]

9 Types Of Content Your Readers Love

“Content is king“. It’s true now when Bill Gates first stated that in 1996. Content is what drives the visitors to a website, whether it’s direct, referral, or organic traffic. Additionally, content also creates an opportunity for marketers to transform the visitors to become customers. The key to success in content marketing is to ensure […]

😍 Emoji Marketing: 8 Best Campaigns And What You Can Learn From Them

July 17th, 2016 is the World Emoji Day, which is also the global celebration of emoji. When I saw the news, I asked myself, “How did we even get here?” The answer surprised me. It’s a combination of both innate psychology and pop-cultural evolution. The effect is that these simple and fun little drawings can […]

How To Write SEO Press Release That Increases Traffic And Exposure

We all want to increase our website’s traffic and exposure. So far, one of the best ways to achieve that is by getting quality backlinks through SEO press release (Don’t worry, we’ll get into more details on this soon.) There are so many ways out there telling us how we can get more backlinks, but […]

How To Control Web Crawlers With Robots.txt, Meta Robot Tags & SEOPressor

As the predominance of Google shows, the Internet – more specifically, the World Wide Web – is dominated by the presence and use of web crawlers. Specifically, these are the programs that search, index and rate the various websites that exist. In short, they tell us where to go when we search for a particular […]

6 Psychology Hacks Marketers Use To Increase Conversion Rate

What is psychology? Well, in layman terms, it’s basically the study of human beings. This includes their thought processes as well as their physical behavior. The field of psychology is designed to study us; and so, surely enough, there is something to learn about marketing. Marketing and psychology often go hand in hand. Every time […]

Writing For Millennials: Engaging The New Generation Of Consumers

Millennials are one of the fastest-growing consumer groups in the world, with more entering the world of adult consumerism every day. There’s a lot of competition to market towards them, but marketing to Millennials presents a number of challenges that are completely unlike marketing towards the Gen-Xers and Boomers who preceded them. The question of […]

How To Choose The Right Fonts To Improve Content Readability

At this point, you’ve probably read through tons of advice concerning the setup of your website, from how to optimize your website using rich, relevant keywords to making sure that you are using a strong site structure to make navigation easy for both users and Google’s bots. I know that I’ve emphasized these points time […]

Link Earning: Starters Handbook To Earn Organic Link

Link earning is the foundation to every successful content marketing. We should never underestimate the power of link earning because it is capable of helping a website to rank well in search engines. Not only that, earning links from prominent websites will give your domain more authority. What Exactly Is Link Earning? Link earning is […]