Rich Snippets

(Updated: 30 March 2016 – This is a legacy version of our tutorials. For the latest tutorials of SEOPressor Connect, please visit

Tutorial Objectives

  • What are rich snippets
  • When and how to use rich snippets

Rich snippets are essentially the extra bits of information that you see on result pages, usually affecting visitor behavior and click through rates.

rich snippets example

These snippets come in the form of reviews, events, people, products and recipes. So any time that you wish to write any of the above, SEOPressor’s “Rich Snippets” will help you out.

Here are some examples:


rich snippet reviews

As you can see for this snippet, this is a restaurant review that has a rating of 4 stars. The author and summary is not displayed in this case, but the description is basically the short excerpt displayed.

So if you written a review about a product or restaurant, you can use this snippet or alternatively, use the product snippet which is detailed below.


rich snippet event

Provide the name or names of the event, one of which is “Muse with Band of Skulls” on Jan 28, with an undisplayed time. The place where the event will be held is important, so make sure to fill them up and let people know where to go!


rich snippet people

This can be considered to be an online “profile” or resume where people notice you and you provide them a Google ‘Business Card’ snippet. As such, you would include your first and last name, location, title and URL if you wish with the fields SEOPressorV5 provides.

In this example, some fields are not filled in, but it does the job well enough to tell me who this person is, and whether I want to find out more about him/her.


rich snippet products

As seen in the restaurant review, you’re able to show off your product but this primary focus when using the ‘product snippet’ is to tell them more about the product, rather than review it, which is why the option to provide a rating is removed.

However, if you wish to display the ratings, do feel free to use the ‘review snippet’ — I know I would.


rich snippet recipes

This snippet pretty much speaks for itself, so if you’re a chef, food blogger or just someone who loves teaching people how to cook, this is perfect for you.

Fill in your recipe’s name, calories in contains and total cooking and preparation time to easily let people know how simple the recipe is, how healthy it can be and how little effort and time it needs to do.


These rich snippets are a proven way to capture a viewer’s attention at the very first glance on SERPs, so why not use SEOPressor V5 to do it for you?

Sure, you could also customize to make extravagant snippets but what SEOPressor provides you will suffice.

If this isn’t enough, find out how you can customize your internal and external keyword links.

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