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The Epic List Of Places To Share Your Content (Updated For 2016)

By winniewong on December 17, 2015

epic list of places to share your contents

Previously I have written an article on how and where you should do your content promotion. The post is performing fairly well and I managed to get a lot of positive feedback. A lot of readers shared some other places and methods they use to promote their contents.

Some asked “why didn’t I include X in my article” and my answer was, “while I have definitely heard of it, I haven’t really tried it for myself”. And that particular article is mostly about how I do my own content promotion.

So I thought of expanding the article with some of the suggestions given by the readers even if I didn’t use them myself (yet) and maybe even look for more to be added. But what I have found out is that the list of potential place to do content promotion is exhaustive!

And after some thought, I have decided to instead write this article to focus more on the “where” rather than throwing the “how” into the mix. Think of it as a directory of some sort.

While I certainly don’t expect for anyone to promote on all of them, I’d hope that this article can serve as a reference for a broad range of marketers to be able to get as much idea as possible on where to promote their contents.

So without further ado, here’s the massive list of 50 channels you can use to promote your contents:

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1. Email Newsletter


If you have contents, most probably you will also have an email subscriber list. If you don’t, then you seriously need to consider doing email marketing. You can opt to use one of the many popular email marketing services – MailChimp, iContact, Aweber, whatever.

For those who already promoting through email, I can at least offer this one tip – compile your posts on a weekly basis and send out an email digest. It’ll annoy your readers less and you’ll massively reduce unsubscribe rate compared to sending an email for each new post.

If you’re already doing that, good for you!

2. Your Facebook Account

Facebook - Social Media Marketing

Social media marketing is a method you shouldn’t miss and you can’t talk about social media marketing without Facebook. Get a Facebook account if you haven’t already and start promoting your contents when they’re out.

Bonus points if you promote on list of people related (and interested) in your business rather than unexpecting friends and family.

3. Company Facebook Page

facebook page

The second step of using Facebook is to create a Facebook Page for your business and promote there. Encourage people to like and follow your Facebook Page on your website, email etc so that they can get the latest info as well as use it as a medium of communication. (Just be sure to check messages often and reply ASAP!)

4. Facebook Groups

Facebook part III – Rather than just promoting just on your own and your company accounts, you can participate in Facebook Groups related to your field. You’ll gain more exposure this way and it might even attract more people to your page.

5. Facebook Ads

And finally for Facebook, you can also “Boost your post” on Facebook to push your content promotion to an even wider coverage.

You can target (and retarget) users of a certain demographics to ensure that your ads are only shown to people you can actually convert.

Of course, ads costs money so you won’t be using them on every post. Save them only on already successful posts to elevate them even higher or on Very Important Posts.

6. Google Plus Profile

Contrary to popular belief, Google Plus is not dead. With more than 300 million active users per month, it tops even Twitter and Instagram.

I’m not personally active (as in sharing cat video and food pics) on Google Plus, but it is in my opinion the best performing social media platform when it comes to doing internet marketing. You’ll see why in the next few points.

7. Google Plus Page

It’s sort of like Google’s version of Facebook Page where you have a separate account for your business that can be managed by your personal account. Works pretty similar too.

8. Google Plus Communities

Now this is the main feature that makes Google Plus the best platform when it comes to internet and content marketing. I can say that among all of the top social media platforms, Google Plus have the most active and engaged niche-based communities.

Top Google Plus communities boasts up to 4 million members and cover not only popular but also highly profitable niches like Apple, Android, YouTube, Beauty, Fitness and Photography.

Average communities can still have hundred of thousands of members and give great engagements. I can say that I benefit most out of Google Plus Communities compared to other platforms.

You can read how I managed to massively multiply my traffic just by using Google Plus alone.

9. Google Plus Collections

A comparably newer feature, Google Plus Collections is how you can do content curation on Google Plus based on certain interests. You can create a Collection dedicated to a certain topic and start sharing contents related to it, even if it comes from other sources.

Users interested on that topic can stumble upon your Collection and if they really find your curated contents helpful they will follow it.

Comparing Collections to other Google Plus features, I can briefly summarize it to the following

  • Personal Google Plus Account – For people interested in your own profile and updates, maybe fans of your writing style or having the same view.
  • Google Plus Page – For existing or potential customers with interest in your product or service.
  • Google Plus Communities – For interaction between people with the same interest. Good place for discussions or question and answers of common problems.
  • Google Plus Collections – For people who wants to learn more about a certain subject of interest.

So while they might seem similar at a glance, each of them serves a different purpose. But one thing they have in common is that you can utilize all of them to promote your content.

10. Twitter

Popular to the younger audiences, Twitter is one of the biggest players in the social media industry. Things needs to be considered when promoting in Twitter is the 140 character limit per tweet and the fast-paced nature of a Twitter Feed.

To address these, use URL shortener such as bit.ly or goo.gl to cut down the number of characters in your link. You can also use scheduling tools like TweetDeck or HootSuite to make sure your contents are Tweeted regularly.

11. LinkedIn

The social network for professionals. The number of users are considerably lower than compared to a more general platforms like Facebook or Google Plus but the contents shared are more focused.

This allows your contents to get more quality exposure and engagement.

12. LinkedIn Pulse

Pulse is LinkedIn’s free publishing platform that you can use to write articles and tag it into categories called Channels. You can republish your contents in Pulse to increase the exposure you get and include links to your other contents.

It doesn’t help directly in SEO perspective as the links are nofollow links but it does help immensely in reputation building. High-performing posts will be featured on the Top Posts section on a daily basis which will be extremely helpful in a network made out of professionals.

13. LinkedIn Groups

LinkedIn counterpart for Facebook Groups and Google Plus Communities. In terms of numbers, LinkedIn Groups on average have around several hundred thousand members.

Most of LinkedIn Groups revolve around industry specific subjects such as recruitment, professional disciplines (Law, Accounting, etc) and technical subjects (SAP, Cloud Computing).

14. Pinterest

An image-based platform. Infographics are highly popular in Pinterest so it’s a good idea to include those in your contents. You can then Pin them and link them back to your article.

15. Instagram

Another popular image-based platform. Instagram is a bit limited in a way since it is focused on mobile platform but it does have its own strength.

Instagram is all about beautifully enhanced photos using its filters so it can serve some type of business better, especially those who need to highlight their physical product.

16. Tumblr

Tumblr is a microblogging platform that can be roughly described as something in-between a normal blog and Twitter. Users usually post short to medium posts that are easy to share using the platform’s Reblog function.

One way you can promote your post is to include a picture and a snippet to your contents and include a link it back.

17. Boost the News

A rather unique content promotion platform that uses retargeting method to promote your contents on relevant readers. You can promote your contents for free and believe it or not – even make money out of them!

How? Most of the time we usually include mentions to others in our contents. The mentioned parties can benefit from your contents so they might be interested in spending to promote your contents that indirectly promotes them. It’s a win-win situation!

It’s quite useful especially if you write a lot of product reviews.

18. YouTube

I believe that as the biggest video site on the planet, YouTube needs no introduction. Videos can be very useful for a lot of reasons. The usual stuff includes ads, announcements and also tutorial.

But top marketers like Moz shows us that for every written article, we can also create a video version out of it. Uploading them on YouTube allows more people to discover it and you can still link back to your content.

Additionally, your contents might also show up on Google’s video search on top of the regular ones where competition might be less well, competitive.

19. Vimeo

An alternative to YouTube, Vimeo might be a tad less popular but they do have some advantages over YouTube. For instance, no ads, less strict copyright enforcement and a more convenient privacy settings.

This article covers the differences quite nicely.

20. Webinar

Other than making streamable videos on YouTube, another interesting take at video contents is by holding a live webinar. The biggest advantage of a webinar is the audience can also interact with the presenter and ask questions related to the topic which you can then answer and direct them to related contents for further reading.

21. Podcast

Instead of a video, you can even convert your contents into an audio form and start a podcast.

22. BizSugar

A website where you can share tips or news related to small business. Compared to sites like Digg or StumbleUpon, BizSugar is much more niche-oriented and focused.

This leads to more engagement despite the comparatively low number of visitors. Votes (called Sugars) from readers will increase post visibility and can land them on the Popular tab.

23. Jumzler

Jumzler is a brand new submission-based website that went online just this year and reached 15,000 page views after only a few days of going live.

Started off as a simple submission site, Jumzler quite recently revamped their whole site to include a slew of additional features like Tasks, LiveChat and Forums.

24. StumbleUpon

Once you submit content to StumbleUpon, users can randomly stumble onto your content when searching for similar subjects. When a reader likes the content, the odds of your content coming up when another reader searches the topic or stumbles randomly increases.

While it might be a bit unreliable, submission is extremely easy and you can effortlessly squeeze in more out of your contents.

25. Digg

Digg is very similar to Reddit and is often considered something of a precursor to Reddit. You can simply submit blog content to Digg and allow the readers to upvote it if they “digg” it, thereby helping to boost blog exposure. Readers can also save and share the content you post.

26. DoSplash

A blogging community enabling bloggers from various niches to submit their content. Another submission-based website quite similar to Digg or Jumzler.

27. Alltop

Alltop is an RSS-based site that allows you to submit your blog feed. It’s even easier sinceyou only need to submit your blog feed once. Once approved your blog feed will be displayed under your submitted category, showing the latest posts.

28. Delicious

A popular web bookmark sharing site, you can easily add links to your contents to be discovered by other users so that they can simply read them or save it into their bookmark.

User can search for contents based on keyword, hashtag, users or specific websites. Results are ranked based on the number of users that save the links.

29. Quora

Considered as today’s top Q&A platform, Quora hosts almost 6000 questions and answers per day covering a vast amount of categories. Chances are, there are lots of questions made in Quora that have an answer that lies among your contents.

You can skim the website for such questions and give a brief answer while promoting your contents for further reading. Simply hanging around and provide answers without promotional intent can also build your reputation and credibility among Quora community.

30. Quora Blogs

While very famous for their Q&A feature, few realize that Quora also features a blog function that lets you write contents and tap into Quora’s existing readership to get exposure.

Blog posts will be displayed in searches related to the topic it represents and even shows up on the feed of users following them. This means that your contents can be discovered without needing to rely on questions made by users.

You can republish your contents on your Quora blog and you are free to include links back to your own blog.

31. Yahoo Answers

A veteran in the Q&A niche, Yahoo Answers are widely known and they have a fairly simple and user-friendly interface. Similar to Quora, you can seek questions related to your field and answer them with or without promoting your contents.

32. Reddit

Dubbed “The front page of the internet”, Reddit is one of the biggest website on the planet with over 36 million user accounts. Reddit works like a forum where everyone can create threads and reply to them.

Reddit is broken up into thousands of Subreddits – Each of them revolve around a certain topic and is moderated by appointed community moderators. Subreddits can cover a vast variety of topics so finding those related to your niche won’t be difficult

You can join related Subreddits and start participating in discussions and when the situation calls for it, you can promote your contents.

You can read on of our previous articles on how to promote your contents on reddit:
How To Promote Your Blog With Reddit Marketing

33. Medium

A newer and more modern variant of blogging platform, Medium serves a purpose similar to Tumblr or Blogger but with several differences and improvements. For one, it’s considered more connected with a feed feature and also a daily email digest.

Top performing posts will be featured on them and are easily searchable for people following topics related to a post.

Medium also maintains a professional, light and simple look across the board. This encourages publisher to focus more on the written contents rather than customizing the look and feel of their profile.

You can also republish your blog posts on Medium to promote and link back to your contents.

34. Inbound

A community made out of online marketers focused on doing Inbound Marketing. New submissions are displayed in the “Latest” section. If it gets around 7 votes within a few hour after posting, it will be displayed in the “Trending” section.

Trending posts for the day might be picked to be included in the Daily Digest Email for even more exposure. Finally, exceptional posts that get huge number of votes (250++) will make it into the Hall of Fame.

35. GrowthHackers

Works quite similar with Inbound.org. As the name implies, GrowthHackers caters more towards topics related to growth hacking – methods to boost a company’s growth using the fastest and cheapest techniques possible.

36. Triberr

In Triberr you can join groups (called Tribes) that revolves around certain subject or interest. The potential reach can be quite high as it takes into account the number of followers your tribemates have.

37. SlideShare

A lot of content marketers repurpose their contents into slideshows and put them up on SlideShare.

38. Scoop.it

Scoop.it is a content curation platform where you can personally curate (scoop) contents from all over the net. You can then create a personalized content stream based on topics of your choosing.

Other users can follow your Topic to get new additions on the stream to appear on their own feed. What I like most about Scoop.it is that the search function in my opinion works better than Google when it comes to finding related article-based contents.

39. Flipboard

Flipboard have a unique take on doing content curation where the contents you curate for your topic will be displayed in a magazine-style layout. It’s like creating your own personal magazine that people can follow.

40. Pingler

Pingler is a pinging service where you can submit URL to your content. Basically what it does is notifying various search engine and content services that a new content is created in the URL.

This supposedly can tip search engines to crawl and index the content. It’s a good idea to ping your content the moment it was published. Pingler provides free pinging service limited by number of pings per day which in my opinion, is all that you need. You can also remove the limit by paying for the service.

41. Other Blogs (Guest posting)

You can make arrangement or create partnership with other blogs to write on their blogs as a guest writer.

But keep in mind that guest posting shouldn’t be done solely to promote your own contents. Properly doing guest posting means creating a win-win situation for 3 parties – yourself, the blog you’re guest posting on and the readers.

So write contents that revolve around their product, service or field and include links to your contents whenever the situation calls for it. And needless to say, make sure that the article is informative and useful to the readers.

42. Other Blogs (Comment section)

Guest posting opportunities are not easy to come by so even if you don’t have that, you can still promote your contents on other blog’s comment section.

And I can’t stress this enough – DON’T SPAM! Don’t drop links for the sake of dropping links and don’t force it. Find discussions where you can genuinely share your opinion and offer a link as a referral.

Remember, the objective of doing content promotion is not to build links or to game search engines in some way. The goal is to promote your content as much as you can to people interested in the subject.

43. Your other contents

Sometimes we think too much of where else to promote our contents but we missed the easiest answer – your own contents!

It’s a good practice that after you created new contents, be sure to backtrack older contents for related situations where you can link your new contents.Keep in mind that related contents works both ways so don’t forget to link your old contents in your new one as well.

Done properly, this can create a solid interlinking structure that will help Google crawl and rank your website better.

44. Wikipedia

Wikipedia constantly require citations to back their contents up. You can find wikipedia articles related to your niche for any opportunities to use one one your contents as reference.

Some existing referrals might also be out of commission, in which you can replace with one of your own.

For more about utilizing Wikipedia in your content marketing, check out one of my previous article:
How To Use Wikipedia For SEO

45. Knowledge Graph/Answer Box

Google sometimes use website contents to answer search queries using answer boxes. Some marketers hates this as the users doesn’t have to go to the source to get the answers and they lose potential traffic as a result.

But the way I see it, it’s a good exposure and users wanting to know more will most probably choose the source chosen by Google in their answer box.

You can read more on how Knowledge Graph/Answer box works in this post:
How To Get Your Business On Google Knowledge Graph (For Free!)

46. Feedly

A rather simple but effective content aggregation platform. You can create personal feeds and populate them with related contents from all over the net. You can also share the feed for others to follow.

47. Storify

In Storify, you can create stories or timelines and sourcing informations from various social medias including Facebook, Twitter and Instagram to collect discussions happening in those communities in regard to a subject.

48. Sniply

Sniply is a simple tool that allows you to overlay contents you share with your own personal message or call-to-actions. So while promoting other people’s contents, at the same time you can also benefit by promoting your own contents, especially those complementary to the link you share.

49. Influencer Outreach

Influencers are individuals that’s well known and considered as authority in a field or a niche. Most of the time you’ll include mentions about products, services or even contents of influencers to strengthen your contents.

In this case it’s a good idea to contact them and request them to share your contents so both of you can benefit from the exposure.

50. Internet Forums

Internet forums have long been the place that unites people with the same interests online. Thing with forums is they are heavily influenced by the communities and every niche can have different forums where people in the same field gathers.

So you can look for forums that suits your niche the most. Sometimes it’s a standalone forum and sometimes it can even be a sub-forum of a larger, more generic forum.


So here’s the first 50 outlets you can go to promote your contents. I won’t fix a number on the title as I plan to expand the list as I discover more so you can bookmark this page and take a look once in a while. You can also suggest more additions of places you think is great to share your contents!

If you think promoting on all of these channels can get out of control real fast, don’t worry as you’re not alone. You can refer to my previous post on how you can strategically plan and track your content promotion. Enjoy!

Updated: 7 February 2025


About Winnie

Winnie is an aspiring copywriter & internet marketer in the vast world of digital marketing. She's as curious as she can be; constantly hunting for answers to her questions, never saying no to new experiences. When she's not spending her time typing up a storm, she is at home keeping up with her never-ending movie marathon & books.

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