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Setting Up XML Sitemap

When you’re done setting up your Local SEO, you must set up your XML Sitemap to let Google know which pages of your website to crawl.

XML Sitemap

Step 1: Go to the WordPress menu on your left, click ‘SEOPressor > Sitewide SEO’.

SEOPressor Connect Tutorial

Step 2: Click ‘XML Sitemap’ tab, which is next to Local SEO.

SEOPressor Connect Tutorial

You will reached XML Sitemap:

SEOPressor Connect Tutorial

Step 3: Turn on your XML Sitemap Generator for Google bots to crawl your website so that they can index your pages.

You can also click ‘Re-generate XML Sitemap‘ to check your entire website.

SEOPressor Connect Tutorial

Step 4: Choose when you want your XML Sitemap to update.

SEOPressor Connect Tutorial

Step 5: Choose the pages that you would like Google bots to crawl.

SEOPressor Connect Tutorial

Last Step: Click ‘Update’ once you’re done.

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That’s all you need to setup XML Sitemap.

If you need any further assistance, kindly contact our support team.

Next Tutorial: Setting Up Homepage Settings (Page Settings, Social SEO, Robot Rules)

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