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Setting Up Social SEO

Previously, we have looked into SEOPressor On-Page Settings. Now, let’s have a closer look at how you can use the Social tab on SEOPressor.

Use the Social tab when you want to share your blog post on Facebook or Twitter.

Sharing Your Blog Post On Facebook

SEOPressor Connect Tutorial

Step 1: Turn on the Facebook Open Graph to control how your blog post is shared on Facebook.


SEOPressor Connect Tutorial

Step 2: After you turn it on, select the Type of your content.

SEOPressor Connect Tutorial

Step 3: Fill in your Site Name, Title, and choose the Image for your blog post.

SEOPressor Connect Tutorial

Step 4: Fill in your Description, Publisher, Author, Facebook Admin, and Facebook App ID.

SEOPressor Connect Tutorial

Last Step: Click ‘Update’ once you’re done.

SEOPressor Connect Tutorial

Note: Facebook App ID is not a mandatory field. If you’d like to create your Facebook App ID, you can visit the Facebook Developers site.

If you realized that this is not the title that you wanted to be shown on your Facebook, but you’ve clicked update, you can debug it on Facebook here.

Sharing Your Blog Post On Twitter

Just like what we did on the Facebook tab…

SEOPressor Connect Tutorial

Step 1: Turn on the Twitter Knowledge Graph to control how your blog post is shared on Twitter.

Step 2: Select the Type of your content. Choose whether you want to show only the Summary on Twitter or the Summary with Large Image.

SEOPressor Connect Tutorial

Step 3: Fill in the Site, Creator, Title, Description, and choose the Image for your blog post.

SEOPressor Connect Tutorial

Last Step: Click ‘Update’ once you’re done.

SEOPressor Connect Tutorial

Setting Up Default Social Setting

Step 1: Click on the Sitewide SEO Tab.

sitewide seo

Step 2: Select the Default Social Settings Tab.

Step 3: Toggle Enable Sitewide Facebook Open Graph or Enable Twitter Card On or Off.

enable sitewide facebook open graph

Step 3: Fill in the Information the Same Way You Would for Individual Post Social Settings.

Last Step: Click ‘Update’ once you’re done.

With these steps now complete, you can share your blog post on Facebook and Twitter anytime you want.

If you need any further assistance, kindly contact our support team.

Next Tutorial: Setting Up Schema and Dublin Core Markup

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