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SEOPressor Score Manager

Previously, I have shown you how to setup Sitewide Link Policy.

In this tutorial, I will show you how to use SEOPressor Score Manager.

Managing Your Blog Posts SEO Score

Firstly, go to the WordPress menu on your left, click ‘SEOPressor > Score Manager’.

SEOPressor Connect Tutorial

From here, you can see the SEO score for all of your blog posts.

SEOPressor Connect Tutorial

Let’s take a look at a blog post with an average score.

SEOPressor Connect Tutorial

To improve the SEO Score of this blog post, we don’t have to go to Posts and search for the Title.

Instead, we can just click on the ‘Title‘ here on Score Manager.

SEOPressor Connect Tutorial

SEOPressor Connect will bring you directly to the blog post.

SEOPressor Connect Tutorial

So once you’re directed to the blog post, you can now optimize your content for a better SEO score.

To know how to improve your SEO score, you can refer to my previous tutorial on SEOPressor On-Page SEO Analysis System and SEOPressor Progressive LSI Keywords Engine.

If you need any further assistance, kindly contact our support team.

Next Tutorial: SEOPressor Role Settings

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