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Setting Up Google Knowledge Graph

Previously, we have looked at how to setup META settings for the homepage.

In today’s tutorial, we’ll be looking into setting up Google Knowledge Graph for the homepage.

Google Knowledge Graph

Google Knowledge Graph is where your details will be displayed on the Knowledge Graph boxes on a search results page to improve search relevancy so that users can get your information.

Here’s what it looks like:

SEOPressor Connect Tutorial

To setup your Google Knowledge Graph,

Step 1: Go to the WordPress menu on your left, click ‘SEOPressor > Homepage Settings’.

SEOPressor Connect Tutorial

You will be directed to ‘Homepage Settings > Meta Settings‘.

Step 2: Click the next tab, ‘Knowledge Graph’.

SEOPressor Connect Tutorial

At Knowledge Graph:

SEOPressor Connect Tutorial

Step 3: Insert your Company Logo and fill in the Contact Number.

SEOPressor Connect Tutorial

You can Add more numbers if you’d like to.

SEOPressor Connect Tutorial

SEOPressor Connect Tutorial

Step 4: Fill in your Social Media Page URL.

You can choose on which Social Media Page you want to display.

SEOPressor Connect Tutorial

Step 5: If you have a Facebook page, you can fill in your Facebook URL for your visitors to look for your business on Facebook.

SEOPressor Connect Tutorial

You can also Add more social profiles if you’d like to.

SEOPressor Connect Tutorial

Choose the Social Media accounts that you have.

SEOPressor Connect Tutorial

You can add as many as you want to.

SEOPressor Connect Tutorial

Last Step: Click ‘Update’ once you’re done.

SEOPressor Connect Tutorial

And that’s all it takes to set up your Google Knowledge Graph.

*Disclaimer: SEOPressor only helps you to prepare for the markup that Google is looking for. We do not guarantee that Google will make a Google Knowledge Graph out of it.*

If you need any further assistance, kindly contact our support team.

Next Tutorial: Setting Up Homepage Social SEO

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