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Setting Up Homepage Social SEO

Setting up Social SEO for your homepage is important for visitors to share your page around. In this way, you’ll be getting more exposure too.

In the previous tutorial, we have set up the Google Knowledge Graph.
How do we setup Homepage Social SEO in SEOPressor Connect now?

Setting Up Facebook Open Graph On SEOPressor

Step 1: Go to the WordPress menu on your left, click ‘SEOPressor > Homepage Settings’.

SEOPressor Connect Tutorial

You will be directed to Meta Settings, under Homepage Settings.

Step 2: Click ‘Facebook Open Graph’.

SEOPressor Connect Tutorial

SEOPressor Connect Tutorial

For your visitors to be able to share your website on Facebook, you have to turn on the Facebook Open Graph.

Step 3: After turning it on, fill in your Homepage Title and Description.

SEOPressor Connect Tutorial

Step 4: Insert your Company Logo, fill in your Publisher and Author details.

SEOPressor Connect Tutorial

Last Step: Click ‘Update’ once you’re done.

SEOPressor Connect Tutorial

Now, let’s move on to the Twitter Card.

Setting Up Twitter Card On SEOPressor

SEOPressor Connect Tutorial

SEOPressor Connect Tutorial

Step 1: Turn on your Twitter Card and fill in your Homepage Title and Description.

SEOPressor Connect Tutorial

Step 2: Insert your Company Logo and Publisher’s Twitter ID.

SEOPressor Connect Tutorial

Last Step: Click ‘Update’ once you’re done.

SEOPressor Connect Tutorial

That’s all you need to set up your Social SEO for visitors to share your website.
Easy, isn’t it?

If you need any further assistance, kindly contact our support team.

Next Tutorial: SEOPressor Link Manager

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