By Winnie Wong on November 24, 2015
When I first started writing couple of months ago, coming up with content ideas can be quite challenging at times, especially when I do not have any proper planning or a clear direction or objective on what I should be writing for my upcoming blog posts. However, what I’ve learned so far is that with […]
By Allysa on November 11, 2015
While you may not appreciate the seductive quality from your blogging or content writing, the fact of the matter is that you are titillating your audience in a seductive strut. Writers who don’t use their alluring tendencies are really doing themselves and their readers a disservice. Who wants to read a boring copy anyway. But […]
By Vivian on November 5, 2015
In last week’s post, I’ve talked about how to get started with SEO. I also mentioned that SEO and copywriting are both inseparable, but why is that so? In today’s post, I’ll discuss and share a few tips to create the best content for your website. How Does SEO Relate To Content Writing? If you […]
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By Allysa on September 16, 2015
Ever since people started marketing their businesses online back in the early 2000s, one thing quickly become apparent – traditional marketing methods doesn’t work well on the internet. Interruptive marketing strategies like paying for ads, sending spam emails and hard selling methods are not only ineffective, but can get real annoying real quick. Hence, the […]
By Lo Jia Thong on May 15, 2015
Which marketing approach is more appealing to you: “Cold, hard facts about a product’s nutritional value and a long list of indecipherable and obscure ingredients.” Or “A compelling story about one company’s mission to bring the sweet tang of blueberries and the comforting warmth of a bowl of oatmeal to kitchen tables throughout the entire […]
By Allysa on May 11, 2015
“We become what we repeatedly do.” ― Sean Covey, The 7 Habits Of Highly Effective People If you are just getting started with blogging, then you are probably wondering what are the best blogging habits to develop that will lead to long-term success. After you master the basics of setting up your blog, identifying your […]
By Winnie Wong on May 4, 2015
What does it mean to go viral? Capture someone’s attention and they pass on your content. The next thing you know, everyone is already talking about it. This is virality. We all know how essential it is to have our content go viral, but the question on how to make it do so isn’t always […]
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