Steph W. from SEOPressor

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21 Inspiring & Best Mobile Website Design

Get Inspired By The Best Examples of Mobile-Friendly Websites Mobile-friendly websites are now becoming important more than ever. We’ve heard it so many times, optimize your website for mobile devices or risk losing out on a big chunk of mobile traffic. With Google’s mobilegeddon update, the effects are even more prominent as mobile search now […]

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SEO Trends 2020: 9 Trends Explained and Tips for Optimization

With the year 2019 coming to an end, SEOPressor is presenting you with a list of 9 SEO 2020 Trends you need to know for the year 2020. Things like mobile SEO has been an ongoing trend for the past couple years or so and it doesn’t seem like it will fall out of relevance […]

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Voice Search Optimization: A Step-By-Step Guide For You

This article was written by Joanne on February 16, 2017, and was last updated on October 18, 2019. Note: Voice Search is and will still be in trend in the coming years. Voice Search Optimization: A Step-By-Step Guide For You As Azfar pointed out last week, voice search is more popular than ever. Almost every […]

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10 Simple Ways To Make Your Website Mobile-Friendly

10 Simple Ways To Make Mobile-Friendly Websites Here’s a mind-blowing statistic: there are now officially more mobile devices than people in the world. Guess what, this news was from back in 2014. The world was home to 7.2 billion gadgets then, which were multiplying five times faster than we were. Since then, Mobilegeddon has become […]

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8 Huge Digital Marketing Trends Heating Up in 2019

8 Huge Digital Marketing Trends Heating Up in 2019 Let’s face it. The digital marketing industry is always under constant evolution. Every now and then, you’ll see new changes being made be it by Google, Facebook, Instagram or other content marketing platforms. With cutting-edge technologies and strategies, it’s a challenge for every digital marketer to […]

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Google Search Quality Rater Guidelines: What You Need To Know

You may have heard about the Google Search Quality Raters Guidelines and let’s be blunt… it’s really thick.  The document has 168 pages that serve as the extensive guidelines for Search Quality Raters all around the world to evaluate and provide feedback to improve user search experience.   For SEO’s who have dedicated themselves to keeping up […]

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SEO in 2019: 6 Untold Trends To Watch For

SEO in 2019: 6 Untold Trends To Watch For “Be Deeply Aware That The World Is Impermanent” – Dogen Zenji The world of digital marketing is one of constant change. In fact, when you think you’re getting a hang of things, you realize that you may be lagging behind. So, the only way to thrive […]

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What is AMP Project: A Breakdown

WHAT IS AMP PROJECT: A BREAKDOWN AMP stands for Accelerated Mobile Contents. It is a website building framework aimed to optimize web pages for mobile views by creating lightweight pages and ensuring a fast load time on users end. The open source AMP Project was announced on October 7, 2015. First unveiled to mobile internet […]

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Mobile-Friendly: 6 Test Tools You Need to Know

Look around you, are there people currently looking at their phone screen? There sure are some around me. The society as a whole is utilizing internet on the go more and more frequently. As a matter of fact, more than half of Google queries come from a mobile device. Google itself has released a mobile-friendly […]

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5 Local SEO Strategies To Capitalize On Voice Search

We’re living in a time of exciting developments in artificial intelligence. Machine learning algorithms are becoming more and more advanced, and can now interpret our intentions which a much greater understanding of context. Businesses are starting to practice voice search SEO too. This makes a smart, conversational user interface, like those seen in science fiction, […]

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Wish you could...

Automate internal linking

Use optimized anchor text

Fix 18 issues like orphan pages

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Backlinks are so backward.

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