By Vivian on September 12, 2019
I remember when I was first introduced to SEO, besides knowing that it’s something about getting higher rankings on search engines, I had almost zero knowledge about it and had to learn up everything as quickly as possible. Problem was, SEO is a wide-ranging subject that you can’t really master from studying a textbook. SEO […]
By Vivian on August 26, 2019
Have you ever been in a situation where you are visiting a site to get answers, but ended up on a 404 error page? We did a Google poll on what annoys you the most when visiting a website, and look at the results! Broken links are not only annoying, but it can also hurt […]
By Vivian on July 31, 2019
What Are The Types of Redirects and When To Use Them? Ever typed in an URL or clicked on an URL but when you land on the page, you noticed that the URL has changed? You’re not the only one who has experienced this. Once in a while, we do come across changes of website […]
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By Vivian on July 11, 2019
11 Effective Ways to Increase User Engagement In this blog post, we are going to dive into: what is user engagement, whether user engagement affects search engine optimization, the type of user engagement, metrics to evaluate user engagement and lastly, strategies to increase user engagement. Let us begin! What is User Engagement? User engagement is […]
By Vivian on June 26, 2019
What is brand awareness? Brand awareness, as the name implies, refers to the extent to which consumers know about the existence and details of the brand. In layman’s terms, it is whether consumers are “aware” of the product or not. The awareness includes the brand name, product features, quality, social status and so on. Brand […]
By Vivian on June 20, 2019
Sit tight! You’re about to learn how you can increase Google Ranking. Before we begin with this article on increasing Google ranking, let me ask you one question. When making a search on Google, how often do you click to the next page to look for more results? I believe your answer is the same […]
By Winnie Wong on May 15, 2019
Landing Page Optimization: The Perfect Landing Page SEO “Begin with the end in mind” – Stephen Covey, Author of The 7 Habits Of Highly Effective People The landing page is the first webpage that a visitor lands on as a result of your traffic acquisition efforts. The question is, can you convince every single web […]
By Lo Jia Thong on May 8, 2019
How To Write For SEO In 2022 – A Step By Step Guide The reason you want to write for SEO is that you want to be more visible in the Google search ranking and get more readers to your work. While search engines are constantly looking for what people want to read in order […]
By Winnie Wong on May 6, 2019
8 Destructive On-Page SEO Mistakes To Stop Doing (+ Ways To Avoid) Search engine optimization (SEO) is a good, long-term investment that needs care and precision. Those of you who have been in this field for a long time would know that SEO can be complicated and very technical. Despite all the do’s and don’ts […]
By Lo Jia Thong on April 24, 2019
17 Must Read SEO Blogs For Beginners When you’re new to the SEO field, things can be a little daunting for a start. You probably rely on Google a lot to get answers for random questions, can’t be sure of where to get a guide for beginners and where to look after that. I’ve tried […]
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