By Winnie Wong on January 11, 2016
We all know how big Facebook is. It’s the biggest social network for years now, still growing, and show no signs of slowing down. So naturally, you’ll want to do your marketing on Facebook, because it’s where most people are and spend most of their time on. However, the strength of Facebook marketing isn’t the […]
By Vivian on October 15, 2015
Does your business have a weakness or a drawback? I’m sure it does. I mean, honestly – You might be good, but you can’t possibly get everything perfect every single time and satisfy every possible need that your customers might have! Maybe you’re new and don’t have as much experience as your competitors. Maybe your […]
By Winnie Wong on July 2, 2015
There are plenty of online promotional opportunities for your business—from Facebook to Twitter to online reviews. But should Wikipedia be on that list? Using Wikipedia for business marketing and branding can be a valuable way of helping convert customers, but there are several things you should know before you start writing up a page. [bof_display_offer […]
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By Allysa on May 6, 2015
What is Banner Blindness? Banner blindness is also known as ad blindness, or banner noise. Without looking away from here (do not cheat), can you answer the following questions? How many banners are there on this page? What are the banners about? Well, you probably couldn’t answer these questions or didn’t even realize there were […]
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