By Lo Jia Thong on November 1, 2018
Copy Writing VS Content Writing: Are They Different? Copywriting and content writing are both weaving words together to market products and services. But they actually serve very different purposes in terms of marketing, let’s see what the differences are. 1. What’s a copy and what’s a content? First things first, how can we tell a […]
By Winnie Wong on October 29, 2018
Interview With Word Vector Expert, The Brain Behind WordGraph Hello everyone! Today we are lucky to have Brandon West, the Founder & CEO of WordGraph on set for an exclusive interview. Recently, he has collaborated on a project with Andy from LSIGraph to help analyze and comparing with the Top 10 ranking in SERP a […]
By Lo Jia Thong on October 10, 2018
SEO Best Practices for Content Planning Content and SEO go hand in hand, and if you want your content to rank well, you need to start the planning process with SEO in mind. Let’s start from the top and let me guide you through some SEO best practices for your content planning. Keyword research using […]
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By Lo Jia Thong on September 20, 2018
What Is E-A-T In SEO: Keys To A Quality Website E-A-T stands for Expertise, Authority, and Trustworthy. This abbreviation first appears on Google’s Search Quality Evaluator Guideline. Where they are highlighted as important factors to evaluate the quality of a website. E-A-T also stretches to include the content and the creator, not only the website […]
By Lo Jia Thong on September 13, 2018
It has been a long time coming, and now the team is proud to announce the latest SEOPressor Connect v6.2 update! Gutenberg Editor Compatibility Update: SEOPressor version 6.2 is currently not compatible with WordPress 5.1’s block editor. With WordPress introducing the brand new Gutenberg as the default editor, our team had put in hours to […]
By Vivian on September 9, 2018
15 Best Social Media Marketing Tools Social media has caused a revolution in the marketing world. Marketing has always been about communication, but communication relies as much on its format as its content. As television revolutionized advertising in the 20th century, so social media will revolutionize it in the 21st century along with social media […]
By Lo Jia Thong on September 5, 2018
How To Write Good Content For Blogs In 7 Steps As a blogger or a content creator, we spend a lot of time writing, editing, reading over and over what we have written and wonder if it’s good enough. Well, here is a formula with 7 steps to guide you on how to create a […]
By Lo Jia Thong on August 23, 2018
JavaScript SEO – How Does Google Crawl JavaScript In SEO we always look at ranks and SERP, but we also need to know the process that happens before that. That is crawling and indexing. Google ranks web pages that are in their index. If your web page is not indexed, or not correctly indexed, your […]
By Allysa on August 9, 2018
Is Buyer Persona Important? How To Create a Buyer Persona? Do you know who your business’s buyer personas are? Because I have just found mine. My life has changed tremendously ever since I met Taylor. Taylor is my buyer persona. She is the imaginary buyer that I’ve created based on a little information that I’ve […]
By Winnie Wong on August 9, 2018
What Are Canonical Links And Why You Should Canonicalize Your URL When learning how to best optimize your website for search engines, there seem to have a new jargon or buzzword created every few months and is thrown at you expecting you to understand what it means. One of the SEO buzzwords we’re looking at […]
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