Steph W. from SEOPressor

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Feel like you are wasting time on internal links?
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  • Fix 18 issues like orphan pages in one click
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How Google Hummingbird and Knowledge Graph Shaped Search

How Google Hummingbird and Knowledge Graph Shaped Search Google started as a search engine ā€To organize the worldā€™s information and make it universally accessible and useful.ā€ That is the goal of Google as a company. Despite their venture into other technology. From producing smartphones to being the major digital advertisement provider. Googleā€™s root stems from […]

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5 Google SERP Features That Can Give You Tons of Traffic

With how dynamic the SERP results (Search Engine Result Page) has become, thereā€™s actually much more than being ranked first. Now, there are more ways to appear on the Google SERP other than being a blue link. Especially more so on mobile. So today Iā€™m sharing with you a list of SERP features that you […]

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SEO for JavaScript-powered websites (Google IO 18 summary)

SEO for JavaScript-powered websites (Google IO 18 summary) You have probably heard that in the recent Google I/O 18, Google shed some light on SEO. Tom Greenaway and John Muller of Google presented a session about making your modern JavaScript powered websites search friendly. They actually listed some recommended best practices, useful tools, and Google […]

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Why Do You Have A High Bounce Rate?

Why Do You Have A High Bounce Rate? Iā€™m gonna start off by asking you a question, do you know how high is considered high? What is good bounce rate? Hereā€™s the benchmark average bounce rate according to web page types by Quicksprout. The reason weā€™re looking at this is that having a high bounce […]

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What is AMP Project: A Breakdown

WHAT IS AMP PROJECT: A BREAKDOWN AMP stands for Accelerated Mobile Contents. It is a website building framework aimed to optimize web pages for mobile views by creating lightweight pages and ensuring a fast load time on users end. The open source AMP Project was announced on October 7, 2015. First unveiled to mobile internet […]

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An Evolution of SEO Techniques – What’s in and what’s out

Like how the world wide web has been rapidly growing since its creation, the same could be said on SEO. What might be working 5 years ago might have lost half of its credibility today. With the one and almost only search engine giant Google pumping out new lines to its algorithm every day, you […]

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Overcoming Writer’s Block: Tips & Advice

Weā€™ve all been there, the age-old enemy of a writer: writerā€™s block. In fact, I have a blank document up for an afternoon. Despite knowing what topic Iā€™m going to write. Nothing just seems to come to my mind. As if thereā€™s a force opposing me from putting my fingers on the keyboard. For a […]

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5 Inbound Marketing Techniques Every Startup Need to Know

Creating a startup is no easy work, we are well aware of that. That’s why we have this list of 5 inbound marketing techniques that can help you break through the noise and reach the audience you want. Why inbound marketing you ask? Well, first of all, inbound marketing costs relatively lower compared to outbound […]

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SEO and Content Marketing: Your Key to Success

We all love PB&J, at least I do, and what I also love is combining the power of both SEO and content marketing for the best tasting digital marketing sandwich ever. Letā€™s look at it this way, SEO is the peanut butter to your content marketing jelly. Carefully applied first layer of SEO peanut butter […]

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Chatbots & Artificial Intelligence: The Future of Customer Service

Chatbots & Artificial Intelligence: The Future of Customer Service ā€œIntelligent machines are very quickly going to start taking over human functions, and this process is already in place with customer serviceā€¦ In the future, I see service people working hand-in-hand with machines.ā€ – Nancy A. Shenker, Founder and CEO, theONswitch The future is coming and […]

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Struggling with internal linking?

Wish you could...

Automate internal linking

Use optimized anchor text

Fix 18 issues like orphan pages

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Get LinkVector

Backlinks are so backward.

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Precise, Simplified, Fast Internal Linking.