Steph W. from SEOPressor

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Feel like you are wasting time on internal links?
Automate it with LinkVector.

  • Interlink all your pages automatically
  • Fix 18 issues like orphan pages in one click
  • Insert relevant internal links and optimized anchor text
  • See how all your pages are connected
  • Monitor your website’s link health

How to Use Videos to Improve Your SEO and Ranks

Video marketing has blown through the roof in recent times. Marketers and brands are posting more videos online, and consumers like it. People are 10x more likely to interact with video compared to block text On a landing page, videos increase conversion rates by up to 80% Up to 90% of consumers who watch a […]

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14 SEO Tips that Will Help Increase Organic Traffic to Your Blog

If you run any sort of website or blog, you probably think about traffic a lot. You might even be obsessively checking your daily organic traffic, looking to see how many new visitors came to your site.  At least that’s what I used to do, every time I published a new blog post. However, increasing […]

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SEO Mistakes You Need to Avoid

As a business owner, you most likely already know that SEO is essential to help you stay in business. The problem is that SEO techniques keep changing. Therefore, it is crucial to stay abreast of what counts as good SEO practices. In the early days of search engine optimization, SEO techniques were, for the most […]

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9 Must-Have Content Writing Tools for SEO Content Writers

Search engines are the starting point for 93 percent of website visits. Besides, 75 percent of internet users don’t scroll beyond the first page of search engine results. These statistics point to two conclusions. First, ranking on the first page for particular terms can be more useful and vital than most forms of advertising. Second, […]

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Guide to Facebook Open Graph and Twitter Card

Ever shared a post from your website to Facebook only to find blocky chunks of text and blurry images? We have all been there as digital marketers and social SEO experts. It happens when sharing content from sites to social media platforms. It also happens when interlinking content between different social media channels. The quality […]

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Simple Ways to Improve User Experience

What gets under your skin whenever you land on a website? It must be those huge banners that block all content, requesting your email address before you even start reading.  It could also be the obligation to remove your ad blocker before you can proceed to the content. In these and similar instances, you immediately […]

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All You Need to Know About Website Architecture

Ever wondered why as a freelancer, you delve into some websites and you feel like you have finally reached your haven, while on the other hand, you open some and you can’t even wait for a second to close them immediately? Well, the latter was my case last week when I was looking for some […]

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What is Cannibalization in SEO?

In your quest to rank better in your niche, you may have tried targeting a specific keyword with multiple pages. It sounds like a solid strategy on paper, but you may realize that these pages are not ranking or Google is ranking the wrong page for your target keywords. This situation is called cannibalization, where […]

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SEO Pricing: The Hard Truth about the Cost of Search Engine Optimization

It’s a question every SEO asks at a certain point. Why? Because like any other marketing activity, SEO costs money and the expenses can sometimes pile without much to show for it. Being a shrewd business owner, you must always find ways to maximize your returns while minimizing expenses. So, what constitutes a “good SEO […]

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Here’s How You Can Strengthen Your Brand Identity (6 Easy Ways)

Last week, I needed a new phone but I couldn’t go to the store due to how tight my schedule was. I told a friend of mine, and he advised me to get it online. So I went to the Amazon website, typed in ‘phone’ in their search engine, and I got 101,685 results. How […]

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Struggling with internal linking?

Wish you could...

Automate internal linking

Use optimized anchor text

Fix 18 issues like orphan pages

Get link reporting and analytics

Get LinkVector

Backlinks are so backward.

This linking strategy is the future 😎

Rank High With This Link Strategy

Precise, Simplified, Fast Internal Linking.