Steph W. from SEOPressor

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Increase Website Traffic: 38 Actionable Methods For 10x More Traffic

How To Increase Website Traffic with 38 Actionable Methods This blog is written for everyone who has a website that is on the verge of failing, just “doing okay”, or even doing pretty well. If you own a website, or you are in charge of one, and you suspect it could be doing better in […]

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February 2020 SEO News Updates – Google says URL Length is Not a Ranking Factor

Google said URL length is not a ranking factor and there’s a claim my business option despite having already claimed the Google My Business listing? The start of February sees some pretty confusing news, so let’s get into it. Google Announcements 5/2/2020 – URL Length is not a Ranking Factor? Google’s John Mueller has said […]

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Keyword Research Guide for SEO

The Big Keyword Research Guide for SEO Why is Keyword Research So Important to SEO? The Right Keywords Leads You to Potential Buyers Keyword Analysis can Inform Your Marketing and Writing Expand Your Funnel By Understanding Leads & Their Interests Keyword Research Boost SEOPressor’s Traffic What is Keyword Research? Keyword Research Definition How to Find […]

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Short Tail vs Long Tail Keywords? — A Side-by-Side Comparison

Short tail keywords vs Long tail Keywords When it comes to on-page SEO, keyword research is one of the biggest factors in determining your SEO success or failure. It is important that you always do some homework and research before deciding which keywords to use, and one question that many users often ask while doing keyword […]

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6 Social Media Blunders You Probably Didn’t Know You Are Committing

Social Media Blunders and How You Can Avoid Them The growing popularity of social media is encouraging every business to invest in it as a primary marketing channel. That’s because 46 percent of the global population is on some social channel or the other. Besides connecting businesses to their target audience, social media broadens a […]

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January 2020 SEO News Update – New Chrome 80 is Blocking Push Notifications?

SEO News Update – December 2019/ January 2020 Edition Before we begin reviewing the events happened in 2020, I would like to take this opportunity to wish fellow SEOPressor’s readers a Happy New Year! Now, let’s begin. Google Announcements 30/12/2019 – Google Noted that You Always Need Textual Content on Page Let’s say you have […]

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10 Most Powerful Words for Creating Catchy Headlines

Being a successful copywriter is a lot more than simply loving words, and writing them down. While every writer will have his or her own personal flair, what matters most is what are the words that can truly trigger emotion and actions. Everything you write should be a conscious decision to affect audiences. You need […]

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The Best And Worst Times To Send Emails (Updated for 2022)

What’s The Best And Worst Times To Send Emails? Bonus! Download and get a glance at all the information you need in a single infographic. It’s an interesting question. When it comes to email marketing, can the time of day you choose to send your email actually affect the results? Because as someone who opens […]

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SEO Trends 2020: 9 Trends Explained and Tips for Optimization

With the year 2019 coming to an end, SEOPressor is presenting you with a list of 9 SEO 2020 Trends you need to know for the year 2020. Things like mobile SEO has been an ongoing trend for the past couple years or so and it doesn’t seem like it will fall out of relevance […]

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How To Improve Content Readability And How Does It Affects SEO

How Does Readability Affect SEO and How to Improve Readability? When blogging, one factor that people often overlook is the readability of their content. Bloggers or content marketers will try to optimize their keyword density, keyword decorations, meta tags, image alt tags, and hundreds of other on-page SEO but they often overlook the readability of […]

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Struggling with internal linking?

Wish you could...

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Use optimized anchor text

Fix 18 issues like orphan pages

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Backlinks are so backward.

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