By Vivian on September 9, 2019
Writing blog post titles is easy, but writing blog titles that could bring in massive traffic is a whole other story. To write great blog titles, you’ll need to first understand what kind of titles attract the most traffic and has the highest click-through rate. Once you’ve understood these factors, you’ll be able to craft […]
By Vivian on September 5, 2019
You know, one of the coolest things a brand can do on social media is to host a social media contest. I mean, what part of a social media contest is not fun? The sense of competition, funny and interesting entries and the best part, winning amazing prizes! The whole point of having a brand […]
By Vivian on August 31, 2019
How to Increase Website Traffic with Old Content Did you know that there are at least 2 million blog posts published on the World Wide Web each day? Yes, 2 million blog posts each day! Many bloggers carry out the practice of publishing content daily because they believe doing so will help them to increase […]
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By Vivian on August 26, 2019
August 2019 SEO Updates Welcome back to our SEO updates blog post in August. As usual, we will bring you the latest news and updates in the SEO industry throughout the month, just keep an eye out for any new updates on Friday! Now you can check out our index for news labeled New! to […]
By Vivian on August 26, 2019
Have you ever been in a situation where you are visiting a site to get answers, but ended up on a 404 error page? We did a Google poll on what annoys you the most when visiting a website, and look at the results! Broken links are not only annoying, but it can also hurt […]
By Lo Jia Thong on August 24, 2019
WordGraph – Uncover The Best Word Vector Tool to Outrank Your Competitors Having contents that are just sitting there collecting dust and not ranking can be a heartbreaking thing. Especially since you have spent hours crafting, editing and perfecting it, only to click publish and finding out that it’s not even ranked in the top […]
By Vivian on August 21, 2019
Everything You Need to Know About Google Knowledge Panel Today In this blog post, the following will be covered: What is Google Knowledge Panel? What is Google Knowledge Graph? Benefits of Google Knowledge Panel How to Claim a Knowledge Panel? How Do You Get a Google Knowledge Panel? Setting Up Google Knowledge Panel with SEOPressor […]
By Vivian on August 16, 2019
What is Google My Business and Local SEO? Have you come across something like the image above on the search engine? This is called the local search results, the result of a local search. Local means relating to a particular area or region. A local search is a search that references a product or service […]
By Vivian on August 4, 2019
Top 10 Benefits of Social Media Marketing for a Business Ultimately, every business seeks growth. The question “How can I grow my business?” has been asked time after time. And very often, “Social Media Marketing” is the answer. I believe most of you here are already utilizing social media as part of your effort of […]
By Lo Jia Thong on August 3, 2019
July 2019 SEO Updates Welcome to the July SEO updates post, we’ll get you updated with the latest news in the SEO industry throughout the month. You can check out our index for news labeled New! to find out what happened throughout the week or just go through our slide shows for a quick bite […]
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