By Allysa on November 17, 2015
The last time I was at the doctor’s office, I found myself in the waiting room flipping through magazines during the customary seven hour waiting period (okay, maybe it wasn’t that long, but it felt like it). It was then that I realized most of the magazines were a few months old at the very […]
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By Allysa on November 13, 2015
It’s been a little over 6 months since I started doing content marketing and I can say that I’ve grown quite a bit since then. There are many ways to measure growth when it comes to content marketing. But here at SEOPressor, we mainly look at organic traffic as our measuring stick. While promoting your […]
By Vivian on November 12, 2015
People often ask, “I’ve spent a couple of months working on the website, but how do I know if SEO is working for my website? What can I do to measure my SEO performance?” Does that sound anything like you? If you’re one of the people who wonders how, let me guide you through this […]
By Winnie Wong on November 12, 2015
By Allysa on November 11, 2015
While you may not appreciate the seductive quality from your blogging or content writing, the fact of the matter is that you are titillating your audience in a seductive strut. Writers who don’t use their alluring tendencies are really doing themselves and their readers a disservice. Who wants to read a boring copy anyway. But […]
By Allysa on November 11, 2015
If you’re reading this, chances are you’ve already known the benefits of content marketing. Done correctly, content marketing gives you a far better ROI in the long-run compared to Pay-per-click ads. On paper, content marketing wins PPC ads hands-down. So why are some businesses still doing PPC ads? Because the results are immediate and direct. […]
By Vivian on November 6, 2015
When you begin to start writing a blog, if you are serious about getting organic traffic, you should keep in mind that Google will not crawl every page on your site. Indeed, does Google index all your content? WARNING: Some of your content do not even appear on the Google Search Pages Here is the […]
By Vivian on November 5, 2015
In last week’s post, I’ve talked about how to get started with SEO. I also mentioned that SEO and copywriting are both inseparable, but why is that so? In today’s post, I’ll discuss and share a few tips to create the best content for your website. How Does SEO Relate To Content Writing? If you […]
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