By Lo Jia Thong on September 5, 2018
How To Write Good Content For Blogs In 7 Steps As a blogger or a content creator, we spend a lot of time writing, editing, reading over and over what we have written and wonder if it’s good enough. Well, here is a formula with 7 steps to guide you on how to create a […]
By Lo Jia Thong on July 13, 2018
Brainstorming, The First Step to A Money Making Blog Content creation sounds like a magical mantra that can give you views, exposure, leads, conversion, money, success and all that jazz. Don’t you just want a part of it? The money’s at where people’s at, right? So how can you start a blog and start on […]
By Lo Jia Thong on July 6, 2018
The Secret to Get More Views: Newsletters If you run a blog, your main concern is probably how can you get more views? Now, what if I tell you that you can increase the views on your blog posts tenfold just by using one single trick? That trick is to create newsletters. This is a […]
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By Lo Jia Thong on June 27, 2018
We all know how important a blog image is. How they help retain reader’s attention, how it boosts SEO, how your image can rank in Google image search etc. But here’s the thing, creating the actual images is not all rainbows and unicorns. Especially when we can’t quite get the idea on how to even […]
By Lo Jia Thong on April 23, 2018
We’ve all been there, the age-old enemy of a writer: writer’s block. In fact, I have a blank document up for an afternoon. Despite knowing what topic I’m going to write. Nothing just seems to come to my mind. As if there’s a force opposing me from putting my fingers on the keyboard. For a […]
By Lo Jia Thong on April 19, 2018
Creating a startup is no easy work, we are well aware of that. That’s why we have this list of 5 inbound marketing techniques that can help you break through the noise and reach the audience you want. Why inbound marketing you ask? Well, first of all, inbound marketing costs relatively lower compared to outbound […]
By Lo Jia Thong on April 11, 2018
Look around you, are there people currently looking at their phone screen? There sure are some around me. The society as a whole is utilizing internet on the go more and more frequently. As a matter of fact, more than half of Google queries come from a mobile device. Google itself has released a mobile-friendly […]
By Vivian on March 13, 2018
You’ve optimized your content with SEO. Now you’re definitely going to rank for your keywords. But it didn’t happen. You can’t seem to find your content anywhere. It happened to me and that sucked. You’re probably wondering why this happened after you’ve put in so much effort to optimize your content with SEO. Is it […]
By Winnie Wong on January 10, 2018
Time to nail it. At one point or another, content producers and writers may find it difficult to determine the exact length when producing online contents. There is a big possibility that these questions have got you wondering before: How much will my reader actually read? What is the ideal length that will keep them […]
By Winnie Wong on November 6, 2017
If you’re like me, I’m sure you’d want to bang out a blog post as quickly as possible. After all, we already have our hands full on other important stuffs right? We all aim to be efficient in our work. Sometimes I’d think to myself, “Why should I reach over to my mouse to click […]
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