By Vivian on August 27, 2015
If you are on the internet for whatever reason, SEO is going to benefit you in one way or another, even if you aren’t doing it yourself. This isn’t just limited to big companies. It applies to everyone – whether you’re a marketer, a personal blogger, or even the average internet user. I used to […]
By Vivian on August 21, 2015
While I was digging around doing my Google patent research, I have this brief “eureka” moment – I realized that in achieving their goal to provide the best and most relevant search results, Google come up with a slew of algorithms to improve the quality of results returned. But Google also knows that high quality […]
By Allysa on August 20, 2015
As I’ve promised in my last post, today I will be publishing a more detailed guide on how you can write better meta descriptions that can bring you more traffic to your website. In case you have missed out on the little case study that I’ve written on the meta descriptions, you can read it […]
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By Allysa on August 8, 2015
Is the meta description dead? This has always been one of the most debatable issues on the web and as you can see that there are many websites said that Google has ignored meta tags as an important ranking signal anymore, which is why some have totally stopped optimizing their meta descriptions and some still […]
By Winnie Wong on August 2, 2015
Search engine optimization (SEO) is undoubtedly important for your company’s success. You simply can’t attract the traffic you need to convert leads into an expanding customer base without implementing various SEO strategies. Therefore, today, I am really thinking that… SEO is User Experience, User Experience is SEO!!! Ok, hold your horses!!! Just hear me out […]
By Winnie Wong on July 15, 2015
Search engine optimization is something that most bloggers and online marketers are incredibly familiar with and it is the key to stable and reliable web traffic. Now, if you do a little bit of research, you’ll find that there are thousands of people all over the web that claim to know the best SEO methods. […]
By Winnie Wong on July 14, 2015
While online marketing strategies often consist of different goals, there is one basic underlying goal that every business has – and that is to get more web traffic. It’s why search engine rankings are of such importance – the higher a ranking your site has, the more traffic you’re likely to get. Because Google’s search […]
By Winnie Wong on June 29, 2015
Congratulations and welcome aboard the Search Engine Optimization (SEO) ship, or train, whichever you prefer. Whether it’s a ship or a train, the SEO industry is evolving and getting more complicated with each Google update. It took the SEO industry 20 years to get where it is now, so if you’re just starting, you might […]
By Winnie Wong on June 28, 2015
Now, SEO communities have been playing with the idea of giving SEO bold tags to as many keywords as possible in the belief that doing so will help them to rank better. However, we know that this method is perceived by Google as being Keyword stuffing, which isn’t good! So to clear the air, we […]
By Allysa on June 8, 2015
If you’ve done any research regarding SEO online, then you’ve probably noticed that in addition to all the tips and tricks everyone claims to know, there are a lot of contradicting statements about the use of SEO as well. This is because there are a lot of SEO myths floating around, myths that you shouldn’t […]
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