By Vivian on July 10, 2015
When you start to build website in the beginning, the only thing you needed to worry about when you were trying to get your website to appear in search engine results was whether or not you’d submitted it to a search engine. The Overwhelming Information Can Exhauted For SEO Starter
By Vivian on July 8, 2015
The terms “co-citation” and “co-occurrence”, which are largely interchangeable, have been circulating through the SEO community for awhile now, and for good reason. They’ve been termed the next “it” thing in SEO, and some expect them to be identifying markers of the next Google reform wave. Since these changes are so important, it’s crucial for […]
By Vivian on July 6, 2015
Email marketing remains one of the most popular and effective online marketing channels for businesses today. However, it is not easy to build an email list if you are constantly losing subscribers. Here are some tips that will keep your audience happy and reduce email unsubscribe rate: Employ List Segmentation Strategies to Deliver More Targeted […]
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By Winnie Wong on July 2, 2015
There are plenty of online promotional opportunities for your business—from Facebook to Twitter to online reviews. But should Wikipedia be on that list? Using Wikipedia for business marketing and branding can be a valuable way of helping convert customers, but there are several things you should know before you start writing up a page. [bof_display_offer […]
By Winnie Wong on July 1, 2015
You’ve identified your audience, done your keyword research, and are creating high-quality content. This SEO thing isn’t that hard after all, right? Well, you may be off to a good start, but there are over 80 different signals that Google uses to rank webpages. You probably haven’t really scratched the surface of SEO even if […]
By Winnie Wong on June 29, 2015
Congratulations and welcome aboard the Search Engine Optimization (SEO) ship, or train, whichever you prefer. Whether it’s a ship or a train, the SEO industry is evolving and getting more complicated with each Google update. It took the SEO industry 20 years to get where it is now, so if you’re just starting, you might […]
By Winnie Wong on June 28, 2015
Now, SEO communities have been playing with the idea of giving SEO bold tags to as many keywords as possible in the belief that doing so will help them to rank better. However, we know that this method is perceived by Google as being Keyword stuffing, which isn’t good! So to clear the air, we […]
By Lo Jia Thong on June 24, 2015
How Psychology of Color Affects Your Marketing and Branding One of the most important elements of your brand is its visual look. Your customers are going to identify you by your logo. Some logos become so strong that they don’t even require the accompaniment of the company’s name – take Nike for example. If you […]
By Winnie Wong on June 22, 2015
If you’ve created a website, you probably realize that designing a website takes a lot of thought. But one page that we often overlook when creating a website is the FAQ page. What we don’t realize is that the frequently asked question page is actually the most efficient page in converting sales. Having a well-written […]
By Winnie Wong on June 15, 2015
Google+ has been a very underrated social network for years now – at first it was considered something of a joke, an attempt to copy Facebook and get in on the social network game. However, marketers soon began to realize the huge number of benefits that Google+ provided to its users. For example, the ability […]
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