Steph W. from SEOPressor

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Early Bird Special Introducing LinkVector, your #1 tool for precise internal linking! Save up to $63.75 for limited time.

Feel like you are wasting time on internal links?
Automate it with LinkVector.

  • Interlink all your pages automatically
  • Fix 18 issues like orphan pages in one click
  • Insert relevant internal links and optimized anchor text
  • See how all your pages are connected
  • Monitor your website’s link health

7 Things You Need To Know About SEO

Whether you’re an SEO beginner or someone who’s been involved in Search Engine Optimization (SEO) for years, there’s always something new to learn about the things you need to know about SEO. After all, SEO is a rapidly-changing field. It changes so fast that it can sometimes be downright hard to keep up. Since SEO […]

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301 Redirects: What You Need To Know About It

Major changes have come to a relatively minor bit of HTML code, which had previously been the source of a lot of controversy: The humble 301 redirect, as well as other 300-series redirects. On its face, the 301 is an exceedingly simple piece of code. If one webpage has changed addresses, the 301 takes incoming […]

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[Announcement] SEOPressor Connect v6.1 Is Now PHP 7 Ready

You asked for it, and you got it! Ever since we launched SEOPressor Connect a while back, we received TONS of feedback from you guys. We tried our best to accommodate these requests and one thing I can say is that it has been both fun and productive! One of the most popular request is […]

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How To Make Money From Blogging: 4 Steps Towards Making $100K Per Month

Neil Patel once set himself a challenge: to create a blog that within 12 months would pay him $100,000 a month. That’s 1.2 million dollars a year. From blogging. It sounded crazy, but he did it. Even crazier? Anyone can. [bof_display_offer id=18935] Theoretically, that is. There’s a huge journey to undertake in order to be […]

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Creating A New WordPress Blog? Here’s What You Need To Know

Writing is always easy when the words flow just the way you want it to be. But if you’re looking for the right blogging platform that will reach out to your target audiences, that could be a problem. Admit it, we all faced the dilemmas of choosing the best blogging platform that suits all our […]

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Everything You Need To Know About Google RankBrain

In October 2015, Google launches what is now known to be the first use of artificial intelligence in its ranking algorithm. While it has been more than half a year since its release, very few information about it has been made official by Google. A lot of people were left in the dark. What it […]

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How To Add Semantic Markup To Boost SEO

Previously I have written about LSI keyword and how it’s helping to create the Semantic Web, a vision Tim Berners-Lee had 10 years ago. Some of you might be wondering. What is Semantic Web exactly? Well in short, you can think of it as a smart internet that’s intelligent enough to understand web contents as […]

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5 Ways How SEO Can Improve Your Website

There are times when we have done some careless mistakes accidentally when creating a site. For example, we may have inserted some irrelevant or duplicated content on our website without our notice. So by doing SEO, we will be able to improve in aspects such as higher ranking, faster website loading speed, and better user […]

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How To SEO Your Blog Post – Step by Step Guide

As much effort as you might be putting into making high quality, relevant blog content, it’s not going to be very effective at drawing traffic, boosting brand awareness or building your brand authority if you don’t optimize your content for SEO (search engine optimization). Why is this? Because millions of blog posts are being published […]

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How To Control Web Crawlers With Robots.txt, Meta Robot Tags & SEOPressor

As the predominance of Google shows, the Internet – more specifically, the World Wide Web – is dominated by the presence and use of web crawlers. Specifically, these are the programs that search, index and rate the various websites that exist. In short, they tell us where to go when we search for a particular […]

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Struggling with internal linking?

Wish you could...

Automate internal linking

Use optimized anchor text

Fix 18 issues like orphan pages

Get link reporting and analytics

Get LinkVector

Backlinks are so backward.

This linking strategy is the future 😎

Rank High With This Link Strategy

Precise, Simplified, Fast Internal Linking.