By Lo Jia Thong on July 5, 2018
The Ultimate Guide To LinkedIn B2B Marketing Strategies Why you need to be on LinkedIn for your B2B business If you own a B2B business, you need to be on linkedIn, here’s why. Every single second you spent reading this line, there is one new account being created on LinkedIn. It is a rapidly growing […]
By Lo Jia Thong on June 13, 2018
15 Easy to Follow Social Media Marketing Tips to Grow Your Small Business When you’re a small business owner, you can either pay $300-$800 to put up a small billboard for 4 weeks or spend 6 hours a week to promote your business on a free social media site. I’m not saying free is better, […]
By Lo Jia Thong on April 5, 2018
Viral marketing got its name from acting like a virus. Spreading from one person to another at a rapid pace. Would you want your content to spread that way? I would definitely love to. Let’s take a look at some viral marketing examples. 1. Dollar Shave Club On 2012 Dollar Shave Club uploaded their ad […]
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By Lo Jia Thong on April 4, 2018
Twitter marketing can be easily utilized by every small or medium-sized business owner. With 330 million active users, Twitter is one of the biggest social media sites of the century. There is no reason for you to not set up a Twitter account for your business. It’s free and it has an insane amount of […]
By Winnie Wong on January 10, 2018
Time to nail it. At one point or another, content producers and writers may find it difficult to determine the exact length when producing online contents. There is a big possibility that these questions have got you wondering before: How much will my reader actually read? What is the ideal length that will keep them […]
By Vivian on March 8, 2017
Back when I first started, Social Media Marketing seems like a simple thing. I mean, what’s so hard about it? You create a Facebook page for your company, share things like promotions and handle enquiries. Maybe organize some contests or blast ads once in a while. Easy peasy. But as I delve deeper into Social […]
By Vivian on February 14, 2017
2017 looks to be an exciting year for social media. Evolution of social media is happening in almost every platform, and these will make a big difference to your social media marketing strategy. In a good way. To start with, let’s reacquaint ourselves with 2016 social media trends, so we have a better idea of […]
By Vivian on February 8, 2017
The importance of social media in modern marketing cannot be denied. Despite that, the difficulty in mastering social media and making it an effective part of your marketing strategy cannot be ignored. I understand that social media feels like a tough nut to crack because on the surface it seems so immediate that it must […]
By Vivian on January 9, 2017
The Internet is fundamentally unlike any other communications medium in the history of mankind, so it’s no surprise that it requires a totally new method of marketing to go with it! This was one of the first things that businesses looking to expand themselves online came to discover: Methods of marketing and outreach that worked […]
By Winnie Wong on September 30, 2016
Shares are essential to building your audience, and are one of the most influential ways you can reach new people. Individuals share articles on social media, meaning their share serves as a form of endorsement and recommendation of the content. But sharing is a much more complex idea that it may first appear, and the […]
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