Steph W. from SEOPressor

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Feel like you are wasting time on internal links?
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  • Fix 18 issues like orphan pages in one click
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New OpenGraph Tags Added to SEOPressor

We are extremely excited to release SEOPressor V5.0.3 today with addition of the TWO new OpenGraph tags recently announced by Facebook, the article:author and article:publisher tags. Now in what world will you be using these two tags and why should you use them? It’s more than common now that most blogs or websites run their […]

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Automatic SEO and the other Hidden Gems

SEOPressor V5 is now packed with a lot more features, many which can’t be explained in the home page alone, which is why this post had to be written. We call these extra features our “Hidden Gems”, some of which you might have already discovered, such as SEOPressor’s Google Authorship Markup feature. These are just […]

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Role Permissions and Settings for Advanced Blogs with Multiple Users

Have you reached a stage whereby your guest posts seem to be degrading in quality and your traffic isn’t as good as before? It seems that your writers aren’t writing as wholeheartedly as before, not taking SEO into more careful consideration. Well, if you’re already using SEOPressor, you might or might not have discovered another […]

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Off-page Backlinks – How Effective are They?

A while back, Matt Cutts, Head of Google Webspam mentioned that backlinks within a press release wouldn’t play any significance in Google search rankings. Last week, Daniel Tan conducted a mini-experiment to put this to the test. Daniel published a release using the keyword ‘leasreepressmm’ through MarketersMedia and that keyword term was anchored to Matt […]

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Beyond On-Page: Perfecting SEO With A Little Off-Page Help

A couple of weeks ago, social media monitoring and analytics experts SocialMetricsPro.com published an enticing and delicious article on the perfect SEOPressor steak pie recipe. Even though some expected to prepare a hearty lunch through that recipe, most readers eventually found themselves at an epiphany. That Search Engine Optimization is a little more than just […]

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Boosting to Gain Higher Rankings as Proven by Google

Google explicitly and blatantly confirms it. Higher Traffic does equate to higher rankings. The thing is, how do we leverage on this? How do we take advantage to get to the top of result pages? How do we get higher traffic? There are a few definite ways to get higher traffic – things like pay-per-click […]

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Understanding the Power of Dublin Core and Taking Advantage Now

If you haven’t already started enforcing your social SEO strategy today, then you’re missing out on being at the top of Google. Everyone knows that besides SEO, there’s content optimizing, and there’s social media optimization – the few things that help you rank well on search engines. But at this day and age, everything advances […]

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Enforce your Social SEO Strategy with SEOPressor’s Customizable Options

Social SEO is still somewhat a vague term in today’s Internet Marketing industry, but most people should be able to get a good sense of what it is. Social basically refers to ‘Social Media’ and SEO is well, Search Engine Optimization. Put the two together and you basically get Social Media Search Engine Optimization – […]

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Updating Your SEOPressor From V4 to V5

We encourage all users to start updating their SEOPressor to the all new Version 5. We are going to retire Version 4 soon. Most users should have no problem updating from V4 to V5 but for those who do, here are a couple of ways to do it. Manual Foolproof Method: 1) Go to https://seopressor.com/download/download.php […]

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10 Days, 20 Changes, Awesome Updates!

SEOPressor V5 was released on Jan 24th. Many of you have upgraded your Version 4 to the latest 2013 SEOPressor V5. For those who have not purchased, it’s now time to grab V5 and skyrocket your SEO ranking. Within the first 10 days of the release, we had received a massive response. We were given […]

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Struggling with internal linking?

Wish you could...

Automate internal linking

Use optimized anchor text

Fix 18 issues like orphan pages

Get link reporting and analytics

Get LinkVector

Backlinks are so backward.

This linking strategy is the future 😎

Rank High With This Link Strategy

Precise, Simplified, Fast Internal Linking.